Euromillions result (FDJ): the draw for this Tuesday, April 30, 2024 won in France!


Euromillions result (FDJ): the draw for this Tuesday, April 30, 2024 won in France!

EUROMILLIONS. And that’s a win! The Euromillions draw on Tuesday April 30 was won. Did you find the results?

It was time ! For several weeks, the prize pool has been growing, draw after draw. This Tuesday, April 30, 2024, Française des jeux (FDJ) was finally able to announce a big winner. And excellent news for the French, the player had validated his grid in France! He thus won the tidy sum of 166,790,050 euros. Another player who also took part in the Euromillions draw in France managed to bet on all five numbers and one of the two correct star numbers. For his part, he won 114,649.10 euros. Here are all the Euromillions results:

It's not just the Euromillions draw that the prize pool is interesting at the moment. Indeed, in the Loto, the jackpot has continued to increase for almost three weeks. The prize pool now stands at 12 million euros. Certainly, we are far from the 166 million euros at stake on Tuesday evening in the Euromillions, but when we know that by playing only one combination our chances are seven times higher in the Loto than in the Euromillions , the game suddenly becomes much more attractive! Notice to amateurs, the next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday!