The municipality of burning christmas trees on the beach of Zandvoort

The city Wednesday night again, traditionally, christmas trees are burned on the beach of the seaside resort of Zandvoort. The kerstbomenverbranding attracted a

The municipality of burning christmas trees on the beach of Zandvoort

The city Wednesday night again, traditionally, christmas trees are burned on the beach of the seaside resort of Zandvoort. The kerstbomenverbranding attracted a lot of viewers.

Under the guidance of the fire department, the christmas trees, starting at 19: 30 hours, on a huge pile of thrown out and burned.

in Heemstede and Bloemendaal will be in this week, christmas trees were burned.

The burning of the christmas trees, it is frequently criticized by environmental groups because a lot of the harmful substances to be released. If it is in the Nature Milieufederatie is, in this tradition, a quick one at the end.

"I think it's very strange that the government kerstbomenverbranding allow it, while the farmers are no stables may be built in connection with the stikstofuitstoot. All the while, in the kerstboomverbrandingen is also a very large quantity of nitrogen to be released," said Sijas Akkerman from the Nature Milieufederatie earlier this week, in a meeting with the NH in the News.

Date Of Update: 12 January 2020, 01:01