Research: Stikstofberekeningen institute for public health and right, improvement is needed

The stikstofberekeningen of the national Institute for public Health and the Environment (RIVM), of the scientific quality of the stikstofneerslag on the Natura

Research: Stikstofberekeningen institute for public health and right, improvement is needed

The stikstofberekeningen of the national Institute for public Health and the Environment (RIVM), of the scientific quality of the stikstofneerslag on the Natura 2000 sites are to be measured and calculated, the conclusions of the advisory committee to Measure and Calculate the Nitrogen content in a Thursday report.

The measurements and the model, which can be used according to the advisory board of "sufficient quality". Also, compared with external measurement and calculation methods comply with the Dutch approach.

"The methods and models for the calculation of the nitrogen doelgeschikt," says Leen Hordijk, chair of the advisory board. He wants to be with this report it will put an end to the myths about it are not accurate mathematical calculations. "We're myth killers," says Hordijk.

however, There is still room for improvement. Hordijk: "However, we believe that improvements are needed in order for the scientific quality of the measurement and understanding of emissions, dispersion, and deposition of nitrogen compounds also in the future, and the uncertainties to reduce."

this can be done by more and more of a regular to measure, even from space by satellite, instead of from the ground up, as is now being done. Specific suggestions for improvement will be in for a second opinion, given that mid-June release.

It is the way in which the health and safety of the distribution and emission of the nitrogen is to calculate the so-called OPS-model, according to the committee to be suitable. With a focus on the local level, according to the advisory committee. There are, however, differences in the results, and, therefore, recommends that the commission, in order to be there to do it for them.

the VVD, CDA and SGP have doubts about the method of measurement of health and safety

The stikstofberekeningen of the institute for public health and will serve as the basis for the policy of the government.

as of the Council of State, the stikstofbeleid of the cabinet has approved, measures should be taken to ensure that the emissions and precipitation to the decrease of natural protection.

As for the agricultural sector and in politics (the VVD, CDA and SGP) and doubts about the method, does the minister Carola Schouten (such as Agriculture), where, at the request of the parties the research to do it for them.

According to the institute for public health and the agricultural sector is responsible for 46 per cent of the stikstofneerslag in the Netherlands. Thus, this sector is responsible for a much larger share than, for example, the road traffic (6.1%) and industry (1 per cent).

These figures are sufficient enough scientific basis, according to the european commission. However, the foreign contributions for about one-third of the stikstofneerslag underestimated. Hordijk says that the contributions of "a few percentage points" can be different.

The Mesdagfonds, a pressure group for farmers, the ENVIRONMENT-calculations are always suspect and it was, therefore, with an in-house research. It was found in accordance with the Mesdagfonds that the agricultural sector is a very small part of the stikstofneerslag is responsible for it. The organization of this conclusion, later on to withdraw due to an incorrect calculation. The GOVERNMENT said that it was Mesdagfonds error has been made and the investigation is not true.

Date Of Update: 05 March 2020, 16:00