Professor: 'We could do a lot to keep the brain fit is to keep

As we grow older, the brain is only getting worse, the thought of that. That's not necessarily true, " says a professor of clinical neuropsychology, Margriet

Professor: 'We could do a lot to keep the brain fit is to keep

As we grow older, the brain is only getting worse, the thought of that. That's not necessarily true, " says a professor of clinical neuropsychology, Margriet Sitskoorn. She is the author of the book The over-50 brain, in which she gets rid of the persistent myths about the declining brain. Eight questions to ask Sitskoorn.

"this is a deeply ingrained idea. It is a preconceived notion of where we are makes me really want to get rid of. New hersenonderzoeken to show that our brains are constantly adapting. That adaptability is due to the neuroplasticity of the brain, we are constantly making new connections and cells in the brain."

"Some of the skills have definitely deteriorated. Most of the people sense so as to their being, for example, that they have more things to forget, just as we are about this age also physically what strammer it. In the short-term memory becomes worse. But it just might be declensionists, it is really not the case. Some of the things that are going less well, other things are going to get better."

"It's memory that is in some ways moving forward. As we get older, we are more experienced and have more knowledge of it. This means that we can make things easier in a context, and that we are more easily able to put things into perspective."

“The memory of the elderly appears to be related to your goals may or may not be new information.”

"We're in a state of people-to-people issues and resolving them more quickly, and in the information and conditions on the estimate and we will have a better overview, we can see the bigger picture."

"that's Right. This is mainly because of the geheugentesten will go on sets and sequences to remember. But this is how it works in the older brain cannot. The aging brain is more focused on the usefulness of the information. And that's kind of arbitrary groups often have very little value."

"The memory of the elderly appears to be related to the goals they have in life, and not necessarily just on the new information."

It is also good for your brain to get also, if you are a parent, it is a lot of exercise and healthy eating. (Image: 123RF).

"That, to deal with emotions and be able to deal with it. From modern brain research shows that the amandelkern, a place where those who are involved in the emotieregulatie, the less excited touching on the negative information, compared to when we were young. We have a reduced speed of up to disappointments. The older we get, the more we know, the soup is not so hot to eat when it is served. Also, given that we generally have a more positive self-image."

"It has been over the past eleven years, much research has been done to the brain. So much so that we are of the view that, in the aging brain should be reviewed. It was for this reason that I have for the book is thorough, and wanted to expand. It is about two-thirds of the new information."

“there is much We can do to keep the brain in shape, even in old age.”

"The two most important new insights into what for me is the fact that the brain is the not only the áchteruit, but in terms of a specific set of skills just vóóruitgaat. And also, we can do a lot to keep the brain as fit as possible. Until late in life."

"a Healthy life, and eat, and move as much as possible and at the advanced age of your brain, to keep challenging. Research has shown that people who are constantly learning, even after over fifty years of age, are less affected by cognitive decline. By doing new things, creating new branches of brain cells and new connections between the brain cells. It makes your life taking on new challenges: learning a new language or learning to play an instrument."

"Not if you obey. Research has shown that older people are great to be able to see the workings of a machine to get the hang of, for example, a computer or tablet and install it. Also, if they have not been brought up with modern technology. Faith, therefore, is not that you're ever too old to learn. This is a myth."

"in fact, research shows that people who believe in the negative stereotypes of the declining elderly, or previously suffer from ouderdomsklachten, such as heart disease. That's why it is so important to these practices once and for all, that the world is out to help you. Because they are wrong. But, due to the damage they cause."

Margriet Sitskoorn is professor of clinical neuropsychology at the Tilburg University. In her new book, The over-50 brain, was published by the Publishing house Prometheus.

Date Of Update: 21 January 2020, 01:00