Hoekstra's research has to gone to pieces in the toeslagenaffaire

There will be an independent investigation into the disappearance of the evidence of the victim parents, in the toeslagenaffaire. That is, let the minister of F

Hoekstra's research has to gone to pieces in the toeslagenaffaire

There will be an independent investigation into the disappearance of the evidence of the victim parents, in the toeslagenaffaire. That is, let the minister of Finance, Wopke Hoekstra, and the Room for Friday to know about it.

the Parents who have paid wrongly, came to an end, it gave the idea that the evidence of their own to the Irs, have received, have lost by the tax authorities.

Hoekstra acknowledges that any such signals, sometimes via media - the past few weeks have come up. "Even though I have no indication I have is that if notices of objection are aware of kwijtgemaakt or destroyed, I am of the opinion that the continued signals from the citizens, and the media need to be examined."

The minister wants to do this by creating an independent body to investigate. This investigation is separate from any other investigations that have been running around the whole affair, and let Hoekstra's spokesman know about it. For instance, the minister this week announced that he will be an outsider to the research to ambtsmisdrijven within the Tax and customs administration in the toeslagenaffaire.

The tax authority has already recognised that the affected parents are incorrectly identified as fraudulent, are considered. They will be financially compensated. Last weekend it was Hoekstra's-with measures to make Tax and customs administration and to cut it into three parts: Tax, Fees and Customs duties. Each section will have its own administrative control.

Date Of Update: 21 January 2020, 13:01