An overview of the unique christmas markets in Germany

it's only a few countries have, in the organisation of the christmas market as well in the fingers, as in Germany. Here is the history of some of the markets,

An overview of the unique christmas markets in Germany

it's only a few countries have, in the organisation of the christmas market as well in the fingers, as in Germany. Here is the history of some of the markets, and more than a hundred years ago. Kerstkenner Wife They will share their favorite markets with the

In Germany began with the choosing of that has traditionally been about five weeks before the new year. Then it will rise due to the country's christmas markets with wooden stalls, mulled wine and romantic lighting of christmas trees, and fire pits. Estimate has Germany's one thousand five hundred to three christmas markets.

a Lot of that this christmas will be for hundreds of years, will be organised. In the middle ages, it was in the winter, are difficult for the merchants to get around. That's how the markets, each with its own speciality. The oldest of the christmas markets, it is likely that More. Who will be this year's 635e was organized.

See also The christmas market in accordance with kerstliefhebbers: "The most wonderful time of the year < / p> Kerstliefhebber A They will visit the markets regularly, and keep it on a web site. He tips the following christmas.

This function is not available with your current settings. Click here to see this. Christmas in germany < / p> ", Dortmund has one of the largest christmas markets in Germany and the largest tree in the world," said jan-michiel Hessels. The tree was indeed huge and it has a 4-metre-high peak. There are nearly 50,000 led lights and the 20 light candles of 2.5 m in the tree. The market itself has at least three hundred vendors selling gifts, art, and other German specialties such as mulled wine, crepes, bratwurst, and grilled with Westphalian ham. In addition to playing on the stage at the Old Market, each and every day, as a band, ranging from jazz to popbands.
Where: at Hansaplatz, Dortmund, north Rhine-Westphalia, germany When: november 21 to december 30, Distance: 219 miles from london (Details the 48-meter-high christmas tree for More information.

now, with The huge christmas tree at the christmas market in Dortmund, germany. (Picture: Dortmund-Agentur/by Roland Gorecki).

the Christmas market in Goslar

the Town is a small town with wooden houses from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century. From this cozy setting is the annual christmas bazaar of the Town, where the smell of cinnamon and baked apples, and pine trees in between the food stalls is. The Schuhhof is within this month's main meeting point. The christmas market consists of more than sixty decorated trees at christmas, so it looks like it's in a woods. The christmas market is in Town, it is a relatively small (eighty-some), and, therefore, are not as massive as those in Dortmund, germany. The "narrow streets and timber framed houses have a beautiful setting," says Hessels.
Where: at the Schuhhof in Goslar, lower-Saxony, Where:, november 27, and december 30, Distance: 457 km from paris) Details: kerstbomenbos for More information.

The kerstbomenbos in the Town. (Photo: Weihnachtsmarkt & Weihnachtswald Town).

the Christmas market in Bochum (germany)

The main attraction of the christmas market in Bochum (germany), the show was an acrobat Falko Traber. Twice-a-day float, he dressed up as santa Claus in a sleigh with reindeer, and in more than 30 meters of cable on top of the market. Along the way, he tells us a christmas story. "Kids think this is fantastic," said jan-michiel Hessels. In addition, there is a medieval market, where traditional crafts will be represented, and the city full of light art installations.

Where: Dr,. -Ruer-Platz, Bochum, north Rhine-Westphalia, germany When: 21 november until 23 december Distance: 201 miles from london Details: as a driver, you may only be using a fuel-emission sticker in the center for More information.

in santa Claus and the Falko Traber in his sleigh high above the christmas market. (Photo: Bochum Marketing GmbH).

the Christmas market in Dusseldorf < / p> The christmas market of Düsseldorf, is composed of several different markets, all of which are connected to each other by the christmas lights. As a visitor, you do so only for the lights to be on all markets. Each market has it's own theme. If you have, for example, in a market where wood carvers and other artists and their techniques-to show, in a sprookjesmarkt, and a food market. In addition, you will find attractions such as an ice-skating rink, and a ferris wheel.
Where: at the main station and the Schadowstrasse in Dusseldorf, north Rhine-Westphalia, germany When: november 21 to december 30, Distance: 188 miles from london Details: as a driver, you may only be using a fuel-emission sticker in the center for More information.

now, Visitors of the christmas market in Düsseldorf, germany. (Photo: EPA)

the Christmas market in the Back
In a very beautiful way to be each and every year, punchtochten is organized, where the visitors are in a boat and a winter boat trip on the lake and This, and there will be a warming cup of punch or mulled wine to drink. The boats are decorated with christmas tree, in the lapping of the water's reflection. Will be showing a christmas market in the centre of the city and the zoo, which is a theme park that is being set up.

Where: main road in Nordhorn, lower Saxony, in When: november 25 through december 24, Features: boat ride over This Distance at 174 kilometers from Utrecht, for More information.

The kerstpiramide in the center of the Back. (Photo: TOURIST office Open).

a Call to Visit, you would like to be a German christmas market? What did you go and how did it get there? Please let us know in a comment below the article.
Date Of Update: 28 December 2019, 13:01