Here is done Jovsset Antes tvangsmerking: – This could have been the end

It was Friday morning the message came from the ministry of Agriculture: Jovsset Ante Sara had concluded an internal agreement to note about the reindeer so tha

Here is done Jovsset Antes tvangsmerking: – This could have been the end

It was Friday morning the message came from the ministry of Agriculture: Jovsset Ante Sara had concluded an internal agreement to note about the reindeer so that he retains 75 reindeer.

Previously was around 350 reindeer in sara's name. Saturday was work already started.

In the fine autumn weather with a little wind from the north started Jovsset Ante Sara (27) and the family ommerkingen of the reindeer.

Dozens of reindeer are brought into the reingjerdet where the different families to distinguish the reindeer to their own, so that they can be marked.

With heavily towards being a clip after the clip is put on sara's reindeer. This means on the sheet that the reindeer do not is 27-åringens longer. They are now listed in a family member's name.

I feel I have put my reindeer in the asylum. There is of course a relief that the police do not come and retrieved the pack my. If it had happened, had my reindriftskarriere and our heritage, ended in this reingjerdet, " says Sara to the NRK.

Uncertain future

If Sarah had not come to this solution, could the story have been completely different.

When would tvangsslakting been a fact and he would have ended up in the big gjeldstrøbbel if tvangsslaktingen would have been carried out, according to sara's lawyer Trond Biti.

But it is with a bad taste in the mouth 27-year-old has gone on the agreement.

He and his lawyer call it a temporary solution and it is hoped that the case in the Un court of human rights go their way. Then it is possible that tvangsvedtaket need to be changed.

the Future I am sure, it is not something I can answer, " says Sara.

Lost in the Supreme court

There is too much rein in parts of Finnmark, believes the state. Reinbeitedistriktene was even allowed to find out how each reineier would divide up who got to have how many reindeer.

But in sara's district, they were not in agreement. Therefore, all had to slaughter just as much part of his reindeer flock, no matter if you have many reindeer or get.

the State requires that reindriftsutøver Sara reduces the reindeer herd to 75 animals. The case landed in the Supreme court, where Sara lost.

IN the REINGJERDET: the Reindeer were gathered together to be separated in the reingjerdet.

Photo: Anders internationally best-known Verstad / NRK – Touching moments

Before ommerkingen took place and the reindeer were in the fence was Norske Samers Riksforbund (MANDATES) up at reingjerdet to show their support for Sara. They met up with around 70 people.

Together, the ring around the young reindriftssamen and looked up at the sky. Hand in hand stood they gathered with Sara in the middle.

Among the people who formed the ring was the artist Mari internationally best-known. She chose to show their support for the 27-year-old and his struggle to keep the reindeer and carry on the legacy.

HOT MEET: Here, take Jovsset Ante (Sara t.v.) Mari internationally best-known in the hand before the støttemarkeringen for the young reindriftsutøveren.

Photo: Anders internationally best-known Verstad / NRK

– I got a little tear in the corner of my eye. It was a special moment, " says internationally best-known.

– It is moving to see that there are so many who support me, " says Sara about the many who made the trip up to reingjerdet in Kvalsund to show their support.

Date Of Update: 15 September 2019, 06:00