Soon, the robots relieve the check

Norwegian "Eve" is a soft robot that communicates with people. for example, It might pick up things from the floor, help you from the wheelchair and into t

Soon, the robots relieve the check

Norwegian "Eve" is a soft robot that communicates with people.

for example, It might pick up things from the floor, help you from the wheelchair and into the shower or grab things.

I use a remote control to run it, the rest is controlled with the VR-equipment, tells robotsjåfør Bernt Børnich.

He is chief technology officer at the Norwegian company Halodi, who has made the robot "Eve".

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There are many robots that can do one specific task.

– instead of having the house full of robots, you can have "Eve" and have it do exactly what you need help, explains Børnich.

He refers to the fact that norwegians live longer than before, and more want to stay at home as long as possible in a worthy way.

When can a robot relieve the check.

"Eve" can't replace human contact. But instead of the check use the time to run from address to address, "Eve" relieve. You can ask her to help you on the toilet, or retrieve the finished greased food that the check has set in the fridge, exemplifies him.

This requires in this case that a trained person sitting in a control room and controls the robots.

– When you do not need the robot, it stands in a corner, and charging itself, " he explains.

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the Robot's movement is controlled with the VR, but the actual driving is controlled by a different control.

Photo: Karina Kaupang Jørgensen / NRK

Robotprodusenten hope to get "Eve" home for the elderly about two years.

– Some older should get to be with on a pilotprøving in 2021. So, we hope it can be used to relieve the check from 2022, says Børnich.

Norwegian authorities say that hjemmerobotene have tested out a good while before they can be common.

– It is difficult to say something about how the robots should be managed and controlled, and the work shall be organized, before one has gotten a good deal more practical experience, the opinion of the secretary of state Anne Bramo in Health and care services.

She emphasizes that health and care services always will be dependent on the meeting between people.

Care can not be replaced by technology. The robot "Eve" is a good example of how new technology can help to strengthen and expand hjemmetjenestene, so that the employees in the health and omsorgstjenesten can use the time on the users, " she says.

Through the national velfredsteknologiprogrammet have many Norwegian municipalities have already adopted the new technology.

Much of the technology currently used by the municipalities is related to the responssentre which is manned around the clock by a health care professional. For example, to handle the alarms from the users.

– Many have already adopted the technology. Self-propelled støvsugerroboter or electronic medisindispensere used by many today, and there will be a natural progression that we eventually get far more advanced robots, such as "Eve", into our homes, " she concludes.

A meeting with my digital, I

Date Of Update: 15 September 2019, 18:00