Trust in Jean Castex : the mps who voted for and against

The government of Jean Castex, was awarded Wednesday the confidence of the national Assembly, with 345 votes in favour, 177 against and 43 abstentions. This is

Trust in Jean Castex : the mps who voted for and against

The government of Jean Castex, was awarded Wednesday the confidence of the national Assembly, with 345 votes in favour, 177 against and 43 abstentions.

This is a little less well than Édouard Philippe, but it is a broad approval : the government of Jean Castex, was awarded Wednesday the confidence of the national Assembly, with 345 votes in favour, 177 against and 43 abstentions.

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In July 2017, Édouard Philippe had received 370 votes in favour for its first general policy statement, then 363 by June 2019 for the second. The votes had increased dramatically : from 67 to 163.

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LREM, MoDem and Act together conquered

274 of 280 deputies of The Republic in march have given their confidence. Five had not taken part in the vote, including the president of the Assembly Richard Ferrand, as well as Barbara Pompili and Brigitte Bourguignon recently came to the government. One member abstained, Olivier Serva (Guadeloupe). In June 2019, Édouard Philippe had collected 304 voice-over 305 members LREM, Richard Ferrand who has not taken part in the vote.

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similarly, 44 elected MoDem in favor. Two abstained, there are also elected officials from Guadeloupe, Justine Benin and Max Mathiasin. The government Philippe had been full in June 2019.

in addition to the 17 elected members of group work together, driven by Olivier Becht, 6 members of the group IDU, and two elected representatives of the group Ecology, Democracy, Solidarity (Sabine Thillaye and Frédérique Tuffnel). An elected LR, Guillaume Larrivé, also voted for it. Ditto for the non-registered Joachim Her-Forget.

LR, PS, the RN and the Rebellious against

90 of 104 deputies LR voted against, including their leader, Damien Abad, and the president of the party of Christian Jacob. They had been 81 to vote against it in June 2019, and 23 only in 2017, the others having chosen "the abstention vigilant".

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The 28 mps PS have also voted against, as the 17 untamed. The group GDR (mostly communist), 12 elected representatives have voted against, and 3 mps ultra-marine abstained (Manuela Kéclard-Mondésir, Jean-Philippe Nilor, and Gabriel Serville).

add in the votes against 11 elect group Ecology, Democracy, Solidarity, of which the two co-chairs Matthew Orphan (ex LREM) and Paula Forteza, as well as an elected IDU, Pascal Brindeau. The group Freedoms and Territories is split between votes against (10), and abstentions (7). The mps, RN have also voted against, like Marine Le Pen.


Among the 19 elected IDU, 11 abstained, including their leader Jean-Christophe Lagarde. 13 elect LR also abstained, including Gilles Carrez, Olivier Dassault, Véronique Louwagie, or Robin Reda.

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add in the abstentions of the elect Freedoms and Territories, or 4 DHS, including Cédric Villani (ex-group LREM).

Date Of Update: 20 July 2020, 06:58