Coronavirus : between 400 and 500 active clusters in France, according to Olivier Véran

According to the minister of Health, "we are very far from the epidemic wave, however, we see a dynamic of circulation of the virus that we worry about". Thi

Coronavirus : between 400 and 500 active clusters in France, according to Olivier Véran

According to the minister of Health, "we are very far from the epidemic wave, however, we see a dynamic of circulation of the virus that we worry about".

This is a figure that is rising. "There are between 400 and 500 active clusters in France", announced this morning (Monday) the minister of Health Olivier Véran on Franceinfo, citing family reunions as the one of the origins of these clusters. According to the last point epidemiological of Public Health France, published Friday, the balance sheet amounted to 386 clusters (excluding long-term care facilities, and family environment restricted) reported as of 9 may : 366 clusters in metropolitan France and twenty in the overseas departments and overseas regions. As of 15 July, 97 clusters were still under investigation, all located in metropolitan France.

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Olivier Veran warned the French against any relaxation during this summer. "We are very far from the epidemic wave, but we find, however, a dynamic of circulation of the virus that we worry about and that should worry the French. They are the ones who hold the key against the virus", he said.

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While many signs show a resurgence of the epidemic of Covid-19 in France, the French authorities "after the daily a number of indicators as the factor of reproduction of the virus, which has increased in certain territories," said Olivier Véran. Other indicators are also scrutinized by the ministry of Health, as the calls to the SAMU and the emergency room, calls to the SOS doctor who "to increase," even if this increase can be "correlated to the fact that family physicians are on holiday" .

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The minister also warned of a resurgence in the rate of positivity of the tests found in some regions, particularly in the far East and the Vosges", where there is more tests that are positive among those who are practiced". As much of the "weak signals" of recovery epidemic.

Date Of Update: 20 July 2020, 09:58