Federica-Offs and the 'Doctors lane': Doing good is good for you, try this

"I started in July to turn for the departments. A day in the board of doctors has appeared a note: "I think I have cross - Federica-Offs , that has lost som

Federica-Offs and the 'Doctors lane': Doing good is good for you, try this
"I started in July to turn for the departments. A day in the board of doctors has appeared a note: "I think I have cross - Federica-Offs , that has lost someone?"". The host of everyone Who has seen it? is smiling, but the experience at the pediatric hospital Bambino Gesù of Rome struck: it was "strong, beautiful human beings. I recommend everyone to take a walk in these parts, to resize issues, fissured and unnecessary for us to ruin the life". Saturday, made his debut with the Doctors in the fast lane , on Rai 3 at 21.45. A special episode of the program, which by next week will be aired on Sunday in the evening.

"When Simona Ercolani has called me," says-Offs ", I have placed a single condition: that the stories, even if painful, difficult - had the happy ending. Anyone who has seen it? it is already hard, I wanted to bring hope. Someone will say: but how, he wants to change and goes from the stories of the disappeared, who often leave a bitter taste in the mouth, to the hospital? Yes. Because meeting kids and parents who fight and win, it gives courage to others". Has moved "tip-toe", apologizing to the doctors and nurses. "They have little time to lose for the tv, I have a deep admiration for those who work with a lot of passion. The team of Doctors in the ward," explains the journalist, "is fantastic, it moves with the utmost respect. In the hospital there is the same harmony of those Who have seen it?: you win united states, thanks to the solidarity that is manifested in many different ways. The father and the mother with the son in an intensive care unit and slept in the car in the parking: the valet held his place in the shade and in the morning brought coffee. Small gestures are important. Not to mention the people who donate marrow or blood, not you will never. But save lives".

Date Of Update: 18 November 2019, 01:00