M5S Luigi Di Maio. attacks adversaries: Who wants to do his own thing, let the Movement

Luigi Di Maio attacks on Facebook adversaries and invites them to leave the Five Star Movement. The head of the political cricket, the angle to the critical int

M5S Luigi Di Maio. attacks adversaries: Who wants to do his own thing, let the Movement
Luigi Di Maio attacks on Facebook adversaries and invites them to leave the Five Star Movement. The head of the political cricket, the angle to the critical internal which arrive from parts, wrote on Facebook: "Those of the face to the victims of Venice and the drama of Ilva prefers to look the business, knows the way. The Movement does not cry". The Foreign minister adds: "I say It clearly: here in the 5 star Movement is working to change the Country. Anyone who is interested in making the game of the other and the system can sit in a party".

According to di Maio, "the Motion is another thing, the Movement is concerned with the problems of the people, the Movement is a political force - remember for those who have not yet understood - that the size of the seats in parliament, that does not take kickbacks on public works and that when it's a choice of economic policy, is thinking about the environment and the health of us all. All of this - he explains - you get working every day at low head, not fueling behind the scenes on some newspaper complacent".

then there are the pros Of Maio, like that of Francesco Silvestri, the parent company vicar to the Room: "The leadership Of the Team is not in discussion". He also works for the minister of economic Development, Stefano Patuanelli, to deny the existence of a rift between him and the holder of the Farnesina. Arrive words to honey for Of Maio by Laura Castelli, deputy minister of Economy: "Every morning is a shot at the target, a media focus on really manic against Maio... No one has the courage to tell that Luigi is carrying forward, with courage, with a process giant: the innovation of the Movement, with great altruism". "Maio is an authoritative guide, those who want to divide us will fail", ensures that the under-secretary for Eu Affairs Laura Agea.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved reader COMMENTS Today on the Ius soli and via the decrees Salvini. The Pd asks, the M5S closes Maio: “they Want to bring down the government”. But the Movement is divided Bologna, it was the turning point dem: "We are ready for anything. Also elections" The agenda of smart does the government of The sardine insist: “Today, in Modena for the encore Bologna
the Republic
Date Of Update: 18 November 2019, 13:00