The diameter of the Netherlands author Hans Keller (82) passed away

Television of Hans Keller (82), also known by The diameter of the Netherlands, and the Dead Poets Almanac, was on the 19th of december, has died. That will make

The diameter of the Netherlands author Hans Keller (82) passed away

Television of Hans Keller (82), also known by The diameter of the Netherlands, and the Dead Poets Almanac, was on the 19th of december, has died. That will make your family and co-workers on Friday by means of rouwadvertenties in the world.

Keller, who began his career as a journalist at the Dutch newspaper the Volkskrant, and was made in 1961, is one of the founders of the Silver debut competition. Himself, when he won the Dutch televisieprijs in 1973, The gap in the Netherlands. That is a program of the VPRO, to cast a glance on the society through interviews with a diverse range of people.

In the sixties, it was Keller in the programme for the DUTCH, and later, he joined the Dutch broadcasting organization VPRO. There, he made dozens of documentary films. His last work was a portrait of a literary critic Kees Fens, in the year 2008.

"Hans Keller was not only a filmmaker, but mostly a chronicler of an era," let's VPRO know of in the world. "With an unerring sense of what is happening under the surface of society that they cherished. In addition, he used new approaches."

Date Of Update: 28 December 2019, 13:00