Tempo 60 instead of 80 set: to flashed a truck driver wrong

the truck driver in Schwäbisch Gmünd, have been flashed for months to wrong. At the entrances and exits of the unicorn tunnel, the radar triggered 60 already st

Tempo 60 instead of 80 set: to flashed a truck driver wrong

the truck driver in Schwäbisch Gmünd, have been flashed for months to wrong. At the entrances and exits of the unicorn tunnel, the radar triggered 60 already starting to fall Tempo was allowed but 80. The city acknowledged the error. "We regret this very much and apologise to the drivers," said spokesman Markus Herrmann.

For drivers is in the Tunnel, a speed of 80. Since February, trucks were there extra-flashed - already at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. The city noted in its first evaluation on a General scheme of the restriction to 60 km / h applies on all one-lane routes. According to the city, Liderbahis the court certified the for the entrances and exits of the tunnel, however, an ambiguous Situation - so, but the Tempo of 80.

800-Affected points were in Flensburg

At around 4000 Truck drivers fluttered fines into the house, about 800 of them conceded even points to Flensburg, the city announced. Had noticed the incorrectly set speed camera, as a truck driver complained in the summer before the district court against his decision and right got.

With a refund of the already paid fine, can't expect the driver. "Penalty proceedings which are already completed, we can't open up, unfortunately," said Herrmann.


Date Of Update: 23 November 2018, 08:00