Recensieoverzicht: theatrical adaptation Happens gets mixed reviews

in The novel, Happens. A requiemroman by A. F. Th. van der Heijden, after a movie in 2016, a theatrical adaptation given. The story of toneelvorm on the death o

Recensieoverzicht: theatrical adaptation Happens gets mixed reviews

in The novel, Happens. A requiemroman by A. F. Th. van der Heijden, after a movie in 2016, a theatrical adaptation given. The story of toneelvorm on the death of the son, and the author is getting mixed reviews.
True - two of the stars

"No, a very, very precise, dramatic line, or a development of this representation is passed to each of the organic spark in the human spirit. That is, the negative is strengthened through the scenes using the flash is presented as a snapshot of a photo shoot."

"The concept of a set and the actors, in addition to the difficulty of the task time and time again, the next play is to play. While they may still relate to it as a wandering dervish, between the two of them dancing Happens. And to "compete" with the live music, the atmosphere, and sometimes more then the game."

click here to Read full review.

the NRC's three stars < / p> "Porgy Franssen, I don't have marvelous diction, a good sense of the literary reflections on grief and death, to give up. This Bloom shows how not to hurt and her skin has dulled and the excitement of her sucking. In their dialogues, introduce them along to a beautiful crescendo of mutual incomprehension and incompetence."

"Still, their combination is also often at a distance. In the hermetic and directed by Ignace Cornelissen who also, in the operation, wrote the remains of the drama, especially between those playing, on the few square feet of stage floor."

click here to Read full review.

Theaterkrant - gives a very

"It's up to the deepest and darkest gorges, and watch a grieving process to a different, it is almost too personal, too intimate. It's as if the makers of a reluctance to feel, and thus have little emotional outbursts to come in."

"this is especially true for the father. On the rare occasions that he has expression, it has, for example, running in an awkward dance, or at a later date, in a halfdronken and whining like a beaten dog, and you, as the viewer, at the start of the lesson. But these moments are too scarce in order to compensate for his detached rationalism. The character of the mother is, sadly, very little of the interesting sides of it. They are very busy with themselves. Logical, perhaps, considering her position, but as a theatrical character is less interesting to me."

click here to Read full review.
click here to Watch the trailer of the movie it Happens

Date Of Update: 22 January 2020, 01:01