Last season, politieserie Cop squares off with 428.000 viewers

in The fifth, and final, season of the politieserie of Copper and has a Sunday 428.000, viewers are drawn to it. This kijkersaantal, which closed the program of

Last season, politieserie Cop squares off with 428.000 viewers

in The fifth, and final, season of the politieserie of Copper and has a Sunday 428.000, viewers are drawn to it. This kijkersaantal, which closed the program of the BNNVARA according to the Foundation for sight examination at the eighteenth spot on the list of top watched tv show on Sunday the 19th of January.

now, all of Holland Bakes it performs just like the week before in the list. The program was 3.260.000 viewers, about 400,000 less viewers than the Sunday before.

the tv News from 20: 00 Studio Sport Premier league the top three are complete. Respectively, 2.568.000 and 1.998.000 of people voted in favour of the two programs of the NPO.

in The first episode of Holland and Belgium, RTL 4 on Sunday 622.000 audience. For the year, with, among others, Ruben Nicolai and ended on the tenth place in the list of the best reviewed tv's on a Sunday.

See also: Winston Gerschtanowitz: System ratings needs to change'

Date Of Update: 20 January 2020, 13:01