Work at home: who pays for your gas, electric, portable computer, or an ergonomic mouse?

Every morning at 9: 00 a.m. in the office binnensloffen has it's drawbacks, but the coffee is free, the utilities, and if you're not comfortable, nag you to H

Work at home: who pays for your gas, electric, portable computer, or an ergonomic mouse?

Every morning at 9: 00 a.m. in the office binnensloffen has it's drawbacks, but the coffee is free, the utilities, and if you're not comfortable, nag you to HR to get the latest model of office chair. How does that fit in with negotiating a day working from home?

In England, the bomb dropped this week when a zorginspectiekantoor a large section of the three staff members live spread out all over the country, and it is, therefore, in the home.

These workers are very upset: the employer has decided, and recently, the company has paid the internet connection in question. People these days have a connection to the internet, arguing for the government, and, therefore, no need for the employer is that the costs don't necessarily have to pay for it.

"In 2018, he gave 92% of the workers in that they have a personal breedbandlijn and there are no additional costs for them", explained the Care Quality Commission in the British civil service. The general principles are there in the country.

in the Netherlands, legislation on working at home are not always clear-cut. According to figures from the CBS, working in 2018 and two million people will be a one time thing or on a fixed day at home. In the New Work, said that the government is working from home in 2011. There was a manual with guidelines, which have since been changed.

Focus more and more on their own responsibility < / p> When you work at home or in The New world of Work the workplace (health, safety, however, the arboregels more in the case where the employer is the place to be at the office for you to decorate. It is possible to write Arboportaal, that in the further development of flexible working, more and more emphasis is placed on the personal responsibility of the employee.

the Who, in consultation with the employer, a home to go to work, and not as independent contractors or self-employed person, have to have good information about the rules and regulations. The employer has to give you advice on the proper design of the workplace, the home, the distance between the chair and the desk, the lighting, the maintenance of the computers, devices, or equipment, and, if the employee is required to work from home, the employer must pay for the workplace in accordance with the occupational health and safety, and for the things that are needed for the job, such as a direct dial telephone, an internet connection, a printer, and a laptop computer. The work for which costs are exempt from tax.

Have a good seat, no electric bill,

It's going to be a safe place to work, " says the Dutch Tax authority, but an employer who has to pay for food and drinks at the home office, working clothes, or in the provided accommodation, power and water is going too far: that is, costs are for your own account.

the Employees should be informed of the risks to which they are able to walk away from the home, such as the risk of repetitive strain injuries or work-related stress. So ruled the courts in 2006 and 2007, that is, a pension fund was the one responsible for the workplace, a woman, who sometimes worked from home, and also posted to to was. The woman had been suffering from RSI was developed by, and the opinion of the court was of the pension fund of its "duty of care" is not set correctly.

See also: work from Home: No rondlummelen in a pair of pyjamas? Pyjamadag, it is not a right,
if you Would like to work from home because of the kids, rijangst, in order to be a nasty fellow to come, a renovation or some other reason? If you are on a voluntary basis and at his own request to home, without the need for the employer not to do so.

Also, if you are 'home', for example, on the train, or from a use a flex spot in a café or on a network location, the employer shall not be responsible for the compliance of the arboregels.

as a volunteer in his pyjamas at the kitchen table, it's not an entitlement. However, an employer may not refuse to accept it. Since 2016, it should be the employer and operator to comply with the Law, to work flexibly, and from home to work, there must be a written request shall be submitted to the employer. Request to work from home will need to meet a number of criteria:
The company has a minimum of 10 members. You will have a minimum of one-half or more years of service. The request must be in writing and no later than two months prior to the desired effective date. The desired workspace can be specified.

finally, The employer must, not later than one month before the date of commencement respond to the request. He says not to? Then you may have a home to go to work, as set out in the request state. The employer can of course refuse to accept it. This must be made in writing, and with good reason. For very good reasons, according to the government: it is not safe, the home office is not suitable, it is a problem with the work, or the work could not otherwise be done.

Date Of Update: 22 January 2020, 01:00