What else is there to do with bad breath?

a Gp, He's Often out of Nijmegen on the consultation and, sometimes, the people who would like to be referred to as a output because of bad breath. They think

What else is there to do with bad breath?

a Gp, He's Often out of Nijmegen on the consultation and, sometimes, the people who would like to be referred to as a output because of bad breath. They think that it might have something to do with his stomach. Usually, this is not the case at all. Sign up for the Vaal (47) gives an answer to the question " what are we going to do about bad breath?

"That's the 'fault' of the bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria break down any remaining food particles off the teeth and onto the back of the tongue. In the process, gases are released which cause the bad odor."

"No." People often think that bad breath has something to do with his stomach or with a poorly balanced this can occur for example. This is usually not the case at all. A long breath, and has almost always to do with poor oral hygiene."

"Leftover food scraps are a banquet for bacteria. Therefore, it is important to have a good brushing, and flossing between the teeth at home or have a brush to use it. If the mouth is clear of food particles, the bacteria have less to eat, and they are, therefore, less dirty and smelly gases."

"Go to the dentist for a check. Sometimes, tartar, make sure that you are not good for your teeth a really good clean up. But if you have a breast implant you have, you need a good cleaning. Also, there is bacteria."

"Yes." Poor oral hygiene can cause an infection in the mouth: a mondslijmvliesontsteking, for example, or gum disease. And that you can smell. Also known as a throat infection, most commonly caused by a viral infection and not due to poor oral hygiene, which causes a bad breath. Strep throat involves a sore throat, and sometimes swollen glands or a fever. As soon as the ignition is off, also the smell is gone."

"Too little water could also be a bad breath cause. Just think of the ochtendadem. That smell is often not helpful. That's because it's at night when we are sleeping, less saliva is produced. The bacteria can get a free game because they can't be washed away."

"is That you can use throughout the day to happen when you have to be a little much. Drink plenty of fluids in order to wash away the bacteria and bad breath is to prevent it."

"Yes." Your lungs with the vapours for a long time, the smoke that you inhale. In addition, you are through with the smoke bevattelijker infection in the mouth and throat. One more reason to stop it. Also, if someone is highly seasoned food, for example raw onion, garlic or other herbs and spices."

"In the very rare cases, there can be other causes, such as a bulge in the esophagus where food is in the equation. Or, is the door to the stomach is not working properly. But the most important thing is to have a bad breath can be prevented, therefore, improvement of oral health, with regular check-ups by the dentist, and drinking plenty of fluids."

Date Of Update: 12 January 2020, 01:01