Met with the Columbus real cannibals in the Caribbean?

the Explorer, Christopher Columbus, set out in his reports of his encounters with the blood-thirsty warriors, have him / her made it to cannibalism. These stori

Met with the Columbus real cannibals in the Caribbean?

the Explorer, Christopher Columbus, set out in his reports of his encounters with the blood-thirsty warriors, have him / her made it to cannibalism. These stories were mostly dismissed as a myth, but a new study published in the journal Nature, demonstrates that Columbus' story may yet have a grain of truth we had.

In his travels, describes the Columbus, and how he got on today Bahamas, the 'Arawak'-a tribe may encounter. According to him, these are peace-loving people, who have been hit due to the 'Americas'. In the Caribbean, where they ate, according to the explorers and the Arawak men and took the women to get married.

About ten times, coming from Columbus will be in touch with the Caribbean, where, as he writes about himself. Historians have many reasons to be in doubt as to how true the reports are, of Columbus. First of all, it is always unlikely, that the Caribs were in the areas of Columbus, passed through and traveled. This tribe came to the continent of South America.

a New study on one of the skulls from the region points out, however, that in the Dominican republic to Jamaica, Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic and the Bahamas can be reached, write the American scientists are to Nature. Thus, it is quite possible that Columbus and the strain to come on his journey.

One of the examined skulls. (Photo: Ann Ross/North Carolina State University)
Of people, people eat it, it is up in the air
The second reason is that the historians are the travels of christopher Columbus is in doubt, because it is not in the Caribbean, where cannibalism practiced.

the Self-described, of Columbus, how the Arawaks, certain injuries were suffered in an encounter with the Caribs, which he used as evidence of cannibalism would be used. Here, it is never the actual evidence to be found. The only evidence of cannibalism by the Caribs were defeated by the Spanish explorers.

The King of Spain considered that, according to them, the aggressive inhabitants of the New World as slaves were allowed to be taken into account. Was that the reason for Columbus's voyage, and its successors and assigns, to the cannibalistic acts can be described and thus have the right to be given to the local people tried to do it.

Date Of Update: 12 January 2020, 01:01