For the Records: I'm living on welfare and give for 15 euro's a week off

Each and every day to get the super around the corner, it is only A notice up in store, or for one time per week for all the deals go? In the section of The Fes

For the Records: I'm living on welfare and give for 15 euro's a week off

Each and every day to get the super around the corner, it is only A notice up in store, or for one time per week for all the deals go? In the section of The Festival, we talk to each week, with a standard (or less basic) Dutch to his or her supermarktstrategie.

Marith (24)
to Earn a living as a: is living at the time of assistance
Where: Zwolle
, just

Mariths records and Broccoli € 1.50 bean sprouts eur 0.11 Mushrooms at 1.02 euros, which is orange juice to 0.40 euro is small potatoes 0,47 euro Ginger (0,25 euros, Tomatoes, roma, 0,16 euros of Bananas, € 0.24 green beans 0.39 euro Total: 4,55 euro < / p>

"yes, Yes, because I have to go every week to the market. If I have fruit and vegetables at Break available for purchase, there is still a lot that I have to throw it away. I think that is a sin. I'd do it like this: every Friday I look forward to what I have and what I can during that week to eat. I'm going to go to the market and get me exactly what I need it to do. I'm also going to have to go to the cheapest market stall of the Theatre."

"the food at this festival, I made noodles with mushrooms, bean sprouts, and broccoli, and wraps with tomatoes, olives, and falafel, and rice and curry and string beans. Often, I will give to is on the market for around 5 euros, and the rest of it I can take out on the Break. That's about a dollar, and so I eat often, but for 15 euros a week!!!!"

"Both of those things. I'm living on social welfare. At the beginning of the week, the pin I have is 40 euro and this is what I do throughout the week. That is a good thing to do. I live alone and I have only myself to care for. The toilet paper and all that kind of stuff can I buy it in bulk. I was in the middle of my study, is forced to stop because of health problems, and so I went to a students ' income to be a benefit. That's almost the same thing."

"I am always a little round and hard, it is not. But I can be wrong sometimes real, Coca-Cola, or a nice-to-gokoffie to the train station. I will make different choices than when I was in school. A packet of noodles from a 25 cent, and in the evenings; I don't do that any more."

"I've got a bi-polar disorder, and a lot of mental health problems. This past summer, it was not possible. Too much stimulation, and in a state of panic. I have stopped my education in nursing. Soon I hope to start volunteer work, and I think I have a thing for the elderly, but it is nice to have to do it! Hopefully, I'll have my study back up. I think it's a terrible thing, that I was of assistance to live. No, because the money is so low is because that $ 1,000 per month, I have come up with what will fit just fine, but the idea that other people's taxes, my income is paid I find to be very reasonable. I always have tax to pay. I am grateful, though, because I didn't know how it should be. Now, I can't really work with it, and because of my illness, I have high medical costs."

"I've had every day for treatment, and I have a lot of control. Actually, I don't have time for a day off to go and fun things to do! Everything has to be justified anywhere in the rear to go. On weekends, I do fun things that are free of charge. A walk, meet up with friends, playing pool. It costs a lot of money!"
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Date Of Update: 24 December 2019, 23:01