After the interview with Emmanuel Macron, Jean Castex, must disclose its roadmap

Before the mps, the new Prime minister will present his policy statement for the coming months, to two years of the end of the quinquennium. At the turn of Jea

After the interview with Emmanuel Macron, Jean Castex, must disclose its roadmap

Before the mps, the new Prime minister will present his policy statement for the coming months, to two years of the end of the quinquennium.

At the turn of Jean Castex to enter the arena. In the aftermath of the intervention of Emmanuel Macron, the Prime minister declines on Wednesday after-noon, in front of the national Assembly the government's road map for the next few months promise to be particularly complicated on the background of the crisis in health and economic.

Mask required in closed spaces, from the 1st of August, recovery plan, industrial and ecological, priority to young people : by returning Tuesday, with the television interview on 14-July, Emmanuel Macron has referred to several measures, but often without going into detail.

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Up to Jean Castex, to clarify the intentions of the executive in his declaration of general policy that starts at 15 hours in the national Assembly, followed by a debate during two and a half hours, and then a vote. "It is an appointment with oneself, he must feel the country, to be involved in the guidance of the head of State and then be aware that he must do things precise and concrete because we have 600 days" by the end of the quinquennium, " he said to the Figaro.

Debate without a vote

The text will be read at the same time by a minister before the Senate. Jean Castex will come Thursday at 10 a.m. in front of the upper chamber. The Palace of the Luxembourg, too, the statement, an exercise that traditionally marks the start of a new government, will be followed by a debate, but without vote. The Prime minister may specify in its announcement concerning the territories, to whom he lent a great deal of attention.

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Deputies and senators eagerly await this year which, they hope, will reveal the Prime minister from the right, his method with the Parliament and its main themes. Even the side of the majority, the members need to be convinced. Many thought for the last two years of the five year period to a "response of the centre-left" after the departure of Edouard Philippe Matignon.

In addition, the excitement has earned the ranks LREM and MoDem, which should be appointed some secretaries of State, probably by the end of the week. Within the executive, they are "all for the vote of confidence," notes the mp Matthew, an Orphan, ex-"walker". Edouard Philippe had received 370 votes in favour in July 2017 for its first general policy statement, then 363 by June 2019 for the second. The votes had increased dramatically : from 67 to 163.

"No calendars"

For Jean Castex, this oral examination occurs 24 hours after the intervention of Emmanuel Macron, which has left the opposition on his hunger. "Ambiguous, fuzzy", for the boss of the LR group at the Meeting, Damien Abad ; a "banter" according to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, or "nothing specific, no time frame," said the mep EELV Yannick Jadot.

If the desire of the head of the State to impose the wearing of the mask in enclosed public places from the 1st of August has monopolized the attention, it has also announced a plan to raise "massive" 100 billion euros in total, both "industrial, environmental, local, cultural, and educational". In particular, Emmanuel Macron has suggested a framework for exemption of charges for young people, designed to promote the hiring of employees with "low skills, up to 1.6 times the Minimum wage".

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The recovery plan, which must include a component of ecological important with such a massive plan for renovation of schools and long-term care facilities, will be financed by european aid, in the framework of the recovery plan France hopes to see adopted by the 27 countries of the EU, and by a debt. But without a tax increase, he said, including ruling out a recovery "absurdity" of the ISF that will "solve nothing".

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Jean Castex, could also return to the explosive pension reform, suspended "sine die" in mid-march after her vote in first reading in the national Assembly, through the procedure of 49-3. On Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron has considered that France could not make "economic reform" of its pension system, while recognizing that the government bill could not be maintained as it was planned before the health crisis.

Date Of Update: 16 July 2020, 17:58