In Germany, measures of containment strengthened in the face of risk of second wave

The authorities want to establish "prohibited output" in limited geographical areas for the locals who would be reconfinés. Germany will allow the containmen

In Germany, measures of containment strengthened in the face of risk of second wave

The authorities want to establish "prohibited output" in limited geographical areas for the locals who would be reconfinés.

Germany will allow the containment measures enforced at the local level in the face of risk of second wave of sars coronavirus, according to a draft agreement between the government and the regional States which should be finalized this Thursday.

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The German authorities want to establish "prohibited output" in limited geographical areas for the locals who would be reconfinés after the occurrence of an outbreak of Covid-19, depending on the project.

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Limiting the spread of the virus

These prohibitions exit permitted at the local level within the territory of germany are a novelty in the arsenal used up here in the country, which up to now had a definition of very flexible sub based largely on self-discipline and good will. The measure does not affect, however, the cantons integers, as this was a time considered, but the perimeters are more limited.

"of restrictions in mobility, which is not necessary in these areas particularly affected" will be applied "in the sense of the inputs and outputs" of the areas concerned in order to limit the spread of the virus, according to this text, developed by the ministers of Health of the federal and regional level.

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Specifically, the head of the chancellery, Helge Braun, has stated that the German army would be sought at sub-local that will be set up "more quickly on a smaller spaces, and more precisely". The soldiers of the Bundeswehr will for example put to use to test the population confined to a given location, according to comments made on the public channel ZDF. This would, he assured, to restrict these confinements to a duration of a few days only.

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Relatively spared by the pandemic so far, Germany is concerned about a second wave of the virus, which may in particular appear in favour of the return of holidays of the Germans, in particular, of Majorca, where images of people celebrating and drinking without complying with the precautionary measures necessary were shocked last weekend.

Date Of Update: 16 July 2020, 17:58