The new Advocate, doesn't like the term police violence

"there's a lot of work to be done, first to the situations that exist at this time, to ensure that justice is done," explained Claire Hédon on France Inter.

The new Advocate, doesn't like the term police violence

"there's a lot of work to be done, first to the situations that exist at this time, to ensure that justice is done," explained Claire Hédon on France Inter.

about "police violence", the new Advocate, Clear Hédon said Friday on France Inter radio that she "doesn't like much this term-here". "There is a real problem, on some, of violence," but "I don't like the general term that would accuse the whole of the police", has detailed the ex-president of the NGO ATD-Fourth World, which was succeeded on July 23, Jacques Toubon.

"there's a lot of work to be done, first to the situations that exist at this time, to ensure that justice is done," she continued. "And then, there is a whole work of training of the security forces to do, thinking within the police to change some of the practices, prevent sliding (...) and this is why I want to go to a training school where there is training in the conduct of the security forces," said the former president of ATD Fourth World.

"We are here to say the law"

Clear Hédon explained that they "want to listen" police officers and "to see what happens in this training. At the time, we, we are there to say the right, say, what is ethics, what we cannot do, but also hear the way it can be perceived within the police, and then, how we can make it move, the police force," she said on public radio.

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The new human rights Defender, a former radio journalist and president for 2015 of the association for the fight against poverty ATD Fourth World, has been named on a proposal from the Elysée presidential palace for a term of six years at the head of this independent authority, whose opinions are purely advisory are imposed in the public debate.

Date Of Update: 24 July 2020, 09:58