Increase of 500% in admissions of children affected by Kawasaki disease in April

A study conducted at the Robert Debré hospital demonstrates a link between Kawasaki disease and the Covid-19. During the pandemic hospitalizations have increase

Increase of 500% in admissions of children affected by Kawasaki disease in April

A study conducted at the Robert Debré hospital demonstrates a link between Kawasaki disease and the Covid-19. During the pandemic hospitalizations have increased by 497%.

The link between the novel coronavirus and Kawasaki disease, in children, "appears to be a fairly clear", according to a study conducted by the department of general pediatrics of the Robert Debré hospital, in Paris. The results of this study, published Monday, shows that hospital admissions of children affected by Kawasaki disease have increased by nearly 500% during the epidemic of Covid-19.

"We have been able to carry out a study that tried to evaluate, on a fifteen years what was the frequency of Kawasaki disease in children hospitalized at Robert Debré", specifies to Franceinfo Albert Faye, head of the department of general pediatrics at the Robert Debré hospital. "We were able to highlight a significant increase in the incidence of this disease during the pandemic Covid-19." In April 2020, two weeks after the epidemic peak of Covid-19, the incidence of hospital admissions for Kawasaki disease increased by 497%, according to the study.


This childhood disease rare and mainly affects children under 5 years of age. It is an inflammatory disease which affects the small vessels, which can have complications at the level of the coronary," says Albert Faye. This translates as "by a fever, significant inflammation at the level of the blood, an eruption specific, a child who is very tired, edema in the extremities". It is usually quite neat, with immunoglobulin.

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The sars coronavirus causes, however, of the more serious forms of this disease, with "an infringement of the digestive system, abdominal pain". Inflammation is "a little bit more important than in classic disease", with an impairment at the level of the heart, inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis), and inflammation of the pericardium (péricardites), inflammation "more frequent than in the Kawasaki disease" classic explains to this specialist to Franceinfo.

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These severe forms, in connection with the Covid-19, however, remain very rare, " warns Albert Faye. If a child is very tired, has fever extended (4 or 5 days of fever), digestive disorders, a rash appears, it "must lead to the view," says the pediatrician. According to this study, the Kawa-Covid-19, Kawasaki disease linked to the Covid-19, is "a specific entity in the SARS-Cov-2", which requires a therapeutic management stronger in some patients.

Date Of Update: 21 July 2020, 10:58