These lands are about to crush the dream to Bodø-the mayor

Miljøpartiet De Green breaks the negotiations on the political game in Bodø. Thus, it is again uncertain how the majority is. the Ap, Sp, MDG, SV and KrF ha

These lands are about to crush the dream to Bodø-the mayor

Miljøpartiet De Green breaks the negotiations on the political game in Bodø.

Thus, it is again uncertain how the majority is.

the Ap, Sp, MDG, SV and KrF has so far negotiated about the power.

Together, they have five parties a majority in the city council – but with the MDG out of the dance, there is no longer a styringsdyktig majority.

Håkon Møller has led the negotiations for The Green in Bodø. He points to one case in particular: the Protection of the Rønvikjordene (see information below).

"We have had constructive conversations, but acknowledge that we do not get enough attention that we can enter into a committed relationship," says Mills.

Håkon Møller is forhandlingsleder for MDG in Bodø. Now he has broken the negotiations for the

Photo: Andreas Nilsen Trygstad / NRK the Right ready to take over the

The new turn of events in the power struggle in Bodø does that ordførerkandidat Right, Lars Vestnes, stands ready to make the moon.

– We have a standing invitation to these parties (KrF and MDG) in addition to the Left and the Right, and to some extent also Red to valgteknisk cooperation. The invitation, we follow up now and hope to get to the calls in the near future.

Vestnes think it is not surprising that the negotiations stranded, since he believes that the parties are so different politically.

Lars Vestnes, Right.

Photo: Bjørn Erik Olsen / the Newspaper Nordland

He believes Right and MDG can get to a valgteknisk cooperation, which means that they do not need to agree about all issues right now.

We discussed a valgteknisk cooperation, and not political matters with any political parties. So I can't comment on whether we will go MDG meeting at the points they want to get through.

But if the Right gets to such a deal, is it not certain that the Vestnes is the mayor. The newspaper Nordland writes in the afternoon Ida Gudding Johnsen (V) sailing forward as a hot candidate.

Recurrent discussion

Friday, it was clear that the Christian democratic Party changed side and joined in the negotiations.

A happy ordførerkandidat from the Ap, Ida Pinnerød, so for a "good styringsdyktig majority".

Ida Pinnerød (Ap).

Photo: Oliver Rønning / NRK

today is the tone another.

In a joint press release type parties that they think the situation is deplorable. But that they will work further "to ensure a solid and predictable management of the municipality".

– MDG met for the negotiations with one absolute requirement that they have been given the green light for: 70 per cent klimakutt by 2030. And we have come a long way in drawing up a political platform with a clear imprint from the MDG.

the Party has previously promoted the claim for that the agreement on the development of parts of the disputed landbruksområdene be reversed.

– A natural next step might be to examine the possibilities for a clean valgteknisk cooperation. Than so long awaiting we the situation, " says Mills.

the Municipal council of the city of Bodø

As distributed, the 39 seats in the municipal council between the parties:

OverblikkDetaljert visningGrafikk which illustrates the council's composition with dots. Each dot represents a mandate.APHFRPSPRMDGSVVKRFPARTIENDRINGAParbeiderpartiet1111 mandates−1Endring on−1 mandaterHHøyre1010 mandates−3Endring on−3 mandaterFRPFremskrittspartiet44 mandater0Endring på0 mandaterSPSenterpartiet44 mandates+3Endring+3 mandaterRRødt33 mandates−1Endring on−1 mandaterMDGMiljøpartiet The Grønne22 mandates+1Endring+1 mandaterSVSosialistisk Venstreparti22 mandater0Endring på0 mandaterVVenstre22 mandates+1Endring+1 mandaterKRFKristelig Folkeparti11 mandater0Endring på0 mandaterKommunevalg – Result – 100 % opptalte voices "Back to the drawing board"

however, It is not the first time MDG is holding Bodøs population of pinebenken.

Eivind Undrum Jacobsen (t.h.), political commentator.

Photo: Henrik Found Heldahl / NRK

Also at the election four years ago was the party on the teeter-totter.

the Party was at the time stuck on the requirement that the matjorda in Bodø city centre had to be preserved, and posed the ultimatum.

Political commentator Eivind Undrum Jacobsen in NRK Nordland says it is now up to Red to make the plural.

– It is back to the drawing board for Pinnerød. She lost a majority when MDG went. Now, go is probably also Better. It is also Vestnes and Right back into action. Again stands and drops everything on the Red.

Considering valgteknisk cooperation

deputy mayor and ordførerkandidat Synne Bjørbæk (R).

Photo: Bente H] / NRK

Ordførerkandidat for Red, Synne Bjørbæk, says it is not unexpected that there was a breach in the negotiations.

– I think the thoughts about valgteknisk cooperation which is launched is interesting, and in line with the mind we have made ourselves the last couple of years, " says Bjørbæk to NRK.

She says that Rønvikjordene is a crucial issue also for them.

Thus, is there any way to Ida Pinnerød will get trouble with to form a styringsdyktig majority in Bodø.

Date Of Update: 18 September 2019, 06:00