The guys at Zecchino d'oro' conquer the evening tv, appreciation social for Mariele Ventre

The made for tv film The boys, Zecchino d'oro conquer the Sunday evening television with 4.228.000 viewers and 18.3% share. The film on Bbc1 with Matilda De

The guys at Zecchino d'oro' conquer the evening tv, appreciation social for Mariele Ventre
The made for tv film The boys, Zecchino d'oro conquer the Sunday evening television with 4.228.000 viewers and 18.3% share. The film on Bbc1 with Matilda De Angelis in the role of Mariele Ventre , the heart of the transmission, has beaten The Hyenas Show on Italia 1, with 2.228.000 viewers and a 12.5% share. Third place for the Grand Prix of the Usa on Tv8 with 2.127.000 viewers and 8.2% of share.

Date Of Update: 08 November 2019, 01:00