Regional Calabria, the chaos of the candidates. Callipo is called out. But the Pd says no to Oliverio, and there is even a poll

It is not a position the span to air the one that sees the secretary of the Pd's Nicola Zingaretti contrary to the re-candidancy of the governor's presidentia

Regional Calabria, the chaos of the candidates. Callipo is called out. But the Pd says no to Oliverio, and there is even a poll
It is not a position the span to air the one that sees the secretary of the Pd's Nicola Zingaretti contrary to the re-candidancy of the governor's presidential Calabria, Mario Oliverio. The Nazarene, struggling with the complicated puzzle of Regional 2020, with the region of Emilia Romagna in the top of the thoughts dem, to unravel, there is also the node of calabria.

so Much so that we rely on surveys. And a survey by the Swg was commissioned by the Pd to have some statistical data about the outgoing administration that even five years ago represented a victory of the centre-left led by Oliverio, who ripped it to center right, with well-61.4% of the vote.

Date Of Update: 15 November 2019, 01:00