Many people take the vaccine but few remember påylling of barnevaksiner

On smittevernkontoret in Drammen, we meet several people who need vaccinations for travel to foreign countries. No one is aware of the council on the filling of

Many people take the vaccine but few remember påylling of barnevaksiner

On smittevernkontoret in Drammen, we meet several people who need vaccinations for travel to foreign countries. No one is aware of the council on the filling of barnevaksiner.

– No, I didn't know. I'm here because I'm going traveling and need the vaccine against hepatitis A and B.

the Director Didrik F. Vestrheim of the Norwegian institute of public health wants a vaccination program for adults too.

Photo: Knut Brendhagen / NRK

It is difficult to estimate how many norwegians who follows the code of practice for refills, " says the director Didrik F. Vestrheim of the Norwegian institute of public health.

We know there are many who do not have been the advice. Among other things, because in recent years we have not registered any evident increase in the number of påfyllingsdoser that is sent out.

It is written many cases on helsemyndighetenes advice to freshen up barnevaksiner, but the effect lets therefore wait on themselves.

Be the most reisevaksiner

On smittevernkontoret in Drammen, it was in the 2018 put over 1100 doses with the update of the barnevaksiner.

Not first and foremost on the people that know the need, but to the people who need the same vaccine in front of the study abroad.

– All adults need to receive the vaccine we receive in childhood against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio. Whether they travel or just be in Norway, says the nurse, Tone).

the Nurse, the Tone Nilssen by smittevernkontoret in Oregon says most adults come to take reisevaksiner or influenza vaccine.

Photo: Kate Barth-Nilsen / NRK

Some of these diseases one can get in Norway, for example, tetanus and whooping cough.

Barnevaksinene your should be refreshed before the holiday season

Wish program for adults

The ideal had probably been about the impact of the vaccines we got as small lasted a lifetime, but it is not so. We receive no notice from the doctor or the reminder that it is time for refills.

– How many adults who are not protected against these diseases, we have no full overview over, " says head of department, Didrik F. Vestrheim of the Norwegian institute of public health.

Therefore recommended Norwegian institute of public health in 2018 that Norway gets a vaccination program for adults that are organized in the same way as the program for children.

– One important effect is to collect all the recommendations on a place so that more people become aware of the need for revaksinasjon.


In the National vaksinasjonsregister SYSVAK, all vaccines are recorded. Here, people can even go in to check, according to the manager of the smittevernkontoret in Drammen, Anette Solvang.

Barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet from 1995 is located there, and eventually all of the vaccines that is set in the last years. One can enter via the website

In the long term this will be a good help, but both the Norwegian institute of public health and the medical association wants health scheme with a program for adults to ensure that everyone receives the same information about the importance of the replenishment of the vaccines.

NRK get lit from the ministry of Health that the report from the Norwegian institute of public health is to treatment. Regardless of the required Parliamentary approval for funding.

Smittevernkontoret fill out vaksinekortet you should take on the road.

Photo: Kate Barth-Nilsen / NRK
Date Of Update: 17 September 2019, 18:00