Jeroen Dijsselbloem was nominated for the taalprijs Taalstaatmeester 2019

the Politician, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, is also nominated for the title of Taalstaatmeester 2019. The other two nominees are a political commentator, it is very Bo

Jeroen Dijsselbloem was nominated for the taalprijs Taalstaatmeester 2019

the Politician, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, is also nominated for the title of Taalstaatmeester 2019. The other two nominees are a political commentator, it is very Borgman, and cabaret artist, Freek de Jonge. It was a sat morning at NPO Radio 1 is published in Dutch tv-guide KRO-NCRV, The Taalstaat.

The Taalstaatmeester is a joint initiative of the radio programme, The Taalstaat and Society, and Language, and is intended as a prize for the man or woman who is this is best expressed in terms of the spoken and/or written word.

The panel of judges at the Taalstaatmeester-winner of the linguist, and writer Rene Appel, a Language director, Vibeke Roeper and Pensions editor-in-chief, Martha Riemsma. They selected the nominees; the winner will be chosen by the public, up to and including the Second day of Christmas you can vote on the website of Our Language.

This is the third time that the title will be awarded. Last year it won the SP leader Lilian Marijnissen, and Taalstaatmeester of 2017, was professor Beatrice de Graaf.

In The Taalstaat on Saturday, the 28th of december, and the winner will be announced.

Date Of Update: 24 December 2019, 23:01