To prevent slugs from entering your garden, place these food scraps at the base of your plants

Slugs will no longer dare to come and nibble on your plants if you scatter these food scraps at the base of your plants.

To prevent slugs from entering your garden, place these food scraps at the base of your plants

Slugs will no longer dare to come and nibble on your plants if you scatter these food scraps at the base of your plants.

Slugs, but also snails can completely destroy gardens if they are not treated quickly. These little beasts ravage plants and crops with unparalleled voracity, and can even kill anything that has just been planted. Slugs are more numerous in spring because rainy weather is ideal for these pests to thrive, and they are likely to hide in wet debris, rocks, weeds and mulch.

Fortunately, it's quite simple to get rid of them with cheap food scraps, without using harsh chemicals, and without killing them. These are eggshells. To keep slugs away, all you need to do is save these food scraps after using them in cooking. Rinse them to remove any egg white or yolk residue, then air dry them. Then it is important to grind them into small pieces using a rolling pin or blender and then scatter them at the base of sensitive plants or along the edges of the garden. Reapply regularly, especially after rain, to maintain the effectiveness of the barrier.

The use of eggshells in gardening dates back centuries, and for good reason: they provide a natural and effective barrier against slugs. Crushed eggshells create a rough, abrasive, sharp surface. When slugs attempt to cross this barrier, they encounter an unpleasant texture that discourages them from continuing on their way. For soft-bodied slugs, this sensation can be very uncomfortable, prompting them to seek more welcoming paths elsewhere.

Eggshells are also beneficial to plants because they are primarily composed of calcium carbonate. As they decompose in the soil, they slowly release this essential mineral. Not only does this enrich the soil with calcium, which is beneficial for many plants and crops like tomatoes and peppers as well as all summer flowering plants to help them stay healthy. But it can also be harmful to slugs. In fact, slugs have a protective membrane sensitive to certain minerals, including calcium. The presence of the latter can cause irritation in slugs, causing them to avoid areas treated with eggshells.