The birds in the winter is whether or not to do?

it Is necessary, in order to see the birds in the winter? And, if so, how do you get them to be the best? Marc Scheurkogel, an information officer at the Societ

The birds in the winter is whether or not to do?

it Is necessary, in order to see the birds in the winter? And, if so, how do you get them to be the best? Marc Scheurkogel, an information officer at the Society of the Netherlands, and as a biologist Arnold van Vliet of Wageningen University, will give the answer.

Scheurkogel: "In the city you can get, especially if you're a bit of a nice garden, and birds such as great tits, blue tits, house sparrows, robins and blackbirds to find. If you live in a bosrijker area, there are many, groenlingen to check in. The further away you are from an urban area of residence, the greater the diversity of birds."

Scheurkogel: "It's not a necessity. But it does give the birds a helping hand in the right direction. Especially if it's a number of reasons. How, the more severe the winter, the fewer insects, worms and berries are available. Then, the birds will be more in the direction of the gardens. Nevertheless, they still have to eat it."

From a Distance: "It changes so much due to climate change. For the plants, the insects and the birds. It's hard to keep track of. Plants and insects respond to higher temperature. Some of the plants before flower due to the mild winter and early spring. That will certainly have an influence on the birds. There will also be a new insect species to our country, such as new mosquitoes, beetles, and grasshoppers. It's hard to say how the birds will then go on to respond to."

Scheurkogel: "is not good for the winter can be vogelpindakaas and vetbollen. There is a lot of fat in it and that's good for the birds when the weather turns cold. They have the fat to have enough energy, because in the winter they can lose weight. Hang vetbollen, without a net, because there is a risk that a bird is in it is stuck, or that it is good in the garden and then disappears."

“to be more Important than feeding your garden will be a good setup for the bird. Make as many as possible different species of plants.”
Arnold van Vliet, a biologist < / p>

Scheurkogel, "Put prefer not to cup of water, as for a number of reasons. Do not use sugar or salt in the water to prevent freezing, which is bad for the birds. They are usually on the water, even, for example, by a bite in the snow, or ready to take. Is it just not possible? Then you can get crushed ice to offer."

Scheurkogel: "Give the bird any food that people are meant to be used. There is often a lot of salt in it. This also goes for the loaf of bread. What bread can be, but would prefer to not have big chunks of bread in it. Give any leftovers from a meal, such as cooked rice or potato because of which can be beschimmelen."

the Insects are important food for birds. (Photo: Getty)

Scheurkogel: "take Care of the birds, a good flight path to have. For example, they can also be easy if there's a cat coming. Lay, therefore, not to enter the field at a time, or a hegje down, but in the middle of the garden. Hang vetbollen high. Not all the birds will be able to have a ball and hang out, so it's good to have something to throw to or on; this might be put. You don't want the crows and the pigeons, all of the food to eat it? Then put in a basket, or a wide wire mesh in order for the feed back, so that only small birds to it."

Scheurkogel, "No, they also want to continue to go on. Here it is, the research has been done on that, but right now we're going to assume that they are not lazy. Think about your own sense and do not be excessive."

Scheurkogel: "please Enter different. Some of the birds, do you have the most fun with the seeds. Blackbirds love of fruits and vegetables. Place an apple in the garden."

it Is to be fed or not very important?

Scheurkogel: "more Important than feeding your garden will be a good setup for the bird. Make as many as possible different species of plants: besdragend, bloemdragend, and face. That's for the birds, and it attracts insects, which bird food is. This will help you to be the birds are becoming a regular donor."

From a Distance: "All the gardens are full of tile, the new trend of verstening needs to be broken. Decorate your garden as green as possible. It allows you to create additional habitat for the birds. What is also important is making your garden 'for the winter, by all that is dead, to be cut to be removed. Let the leaves just long, it will attract back the insects, and therefore birds."

What bird eats what?* , Blackbird, song thrush, redwing, kramsvogel, and species of Food, light raisins, and dried fruit, peel, and klokhuizen, all types of berries, whose feeding ground: a sneeuwvrije on the ground, with a shelter close to Tits most of the time vetbollen, unsalted (shelled), peanuts, coconut, sunflower seed, pindablokken feeding ground: voedertafel or feeding lamp, or hung up in a tree, Wren, dunnock, and robin most of the time worms, uncooked oatmeal, bread crumbs feeding ground, which is a very sheltered sneeuwvrije place Window, check the box and the green compacts most of the weed seeds, sunflower seed, pindablokken, some brown bread-crumbs, and peanut's feeding ground: on the ground and is possibly voedertafel Woodpecker, nuthatch and short-toed treecreeper Foods: unsalted (shelled), peanuts, vetbollen, sunflower seed, pindablokken, and peanut's feeding ground: tied to the trunk of a tree on a quiet and peaceful location < / p> * * * Source: the Society of the Netherlands.

Date Of Update: 21 January 2020, 13:00