Mystery set in 700.000 hydrogen cars per year in

even Though at this moment in time, the battery of the electric car is a lot more popular is Hyundai-Kia's substantial investment in fuel cell vehicles. Accord

Mystery set in 700.000 hydrogen cars per year in

even Though at this moment in time, the battery of the electric car is a lot more popular is Hyundai-Kia's substantial investment in fuel cell vehicles. According to Hyundai-Kia ontwikkelingstopman Sae-Woo Kim, a state with the uptake of this type of vehicle is in front of the door.

The interview in the Season to 51, which is in the shops.

Hyundai is investing only in fuel cell and hydrogen development over the next few years, about 6 billion euros. A marketer and a technician, Kim, is doing a remarkable prediction of driving on hydrogen: "The numbers are going in the coming years to speed-up the costs to match rapidly declining. Within five years, it has been in the hydrogen car would be competitive with battery-electric cars."

In the drafting of a battery-electric car, the hydrogen car, according to the Korean on the verge of becoming an adult. However, there are still a few cars and hydrogen refueling stations are available.

"that's Right, but the circumstances have changed significantly. In 2013, we were still, how many stations are there to make the numbers match. A couple of hundred a year. From there, we slowly increased, but still can't get over more than a thousand built," said Kim.

It gives you frankly that the first generation of hydrogen cars is not enough mature. At the very, very cold-the temperature had been a car, with the fuel cell simply does not start. The vehicles are a lot more complicated than battery-electric cars. According to Kim, there are, in the fuel cell stack is only 160 specially developed components.
Lost on the question,

, and Kim recognises that the current 'collapse' in the market as well as due to a serious error of judgement on the question. "We were at 1,500 a year, but there were many, many times more. Surely, six thousand, We could not easily scale up, so we gave them to our region is a priority, and they are hardly to be provided to the European and American markets."

For that reason, it would make for next year, and the production of hydrogen cars in one fell swoop turn at 40,000 copies per year. Ten years from now, there should be an annual 700.000 copies of the tape roll.

it helps that the hydrogen car is, according to Kim, around the year 2025 would be similar to the power transmission, and batteries, with a 65 kWh battery-electric vehicles. He also points to an additional advantage.

"the fuel cell, there is hardly any limitation in the availability of precious and rare materials. Platinum, as a catalyst for the stack is fed. In fact, it is a by-product of the production of other rare metals in the batteries can be used."

The interview in the Season to 51, which is in the shops.

Date Of Update: 24 December 2019, 23:00