Dealing with someone who is not that good, is: 'Death is a lonely process

Face of death is often difficult. Especially if someone in your immediate vicinity, is terminally ill. However, you will have to do to get it. How do you deal w

Dealing with someone who is not that good, is: 'Death is a lonely process

Face of death is often difficult. Especially if someone in your immediate vicinity, is terminally ill. However, you will have to do to get it. How do you deal with it?

and That someone is terminally ill, does not mean that he or she has, within a few weeks of death. "You can go fast, but it will take several years," says Dorien Tange, an advocate for terminally ill patients with cancer in the Federation of Kankerpatiëntenorganisaties. (NFK).

Whether a man is still a couple of weeks or a couple of years, one thing is for sure: whoever is going to be a different way to take a look. "When the end is in sight, given time, have a whole different meaning," explains Joanne van Walsem out. She is a therapist and gz-psychologist at the Ingeborg Douwes Center, and his former hospital, and accompanies the group for the partners of people who will die of cancer. "If you can't get better, it changes your perspective radically. It is possible that you will not be taken in to consideration."

of The sick is a very different process than the one left behind says Van Walsem. The Partners are, according to her, out of the future. "Often, they are afraid of it. They will continue to be will soon be will always be left behind."

“talk About it, also makes it clear that someone is afraid for you.”
Joanne van Walsem, a therapist and gz-psychologist < / p> Partners will have the tendency to self-total is notable, " says the gz-psychologist. They are the needs of the sick, eucharist. That is, it is easy to understand, but it is also a bad idea. Van Walsem: "In the long run, it is hard to keep up. As a partner, there are already a lot of extra care on your plate."

She advises to seek help from friends and family, and to accept it. "It is also important to have with or without your partner, fun things to do."

'it's Not every day, but do not enter the conversation about the dead,'

a person is not good, it does not mean that you will have the day of the dead don't have to have it. However, according to Tange, it is important to have this conversation, at a certain point, however, is to carry out. "By talking about one's end-of-life to talk to, you'll also find out what the person's wishes and needs," she explains. "So many people have a strong desire to be at home to die. If this is the case, you will need this ahead of time will be discussed with the doctor."

"talking About it makes it clear what a person is afraid of. People can be afraid of death, but also to the danger of suffocation or pain", explains the Tange of. "As you know, this is also the doctor explained. Who can explain to you what he or she can do to relieve the pain and allows the patient to be reassuring."

no matter How much you want to, for fear of the dead is available to you as a neighbour does not take it away. "Dying is a lonely process," says Van Walsem. The best thing you can do is, in her spend a lot of time. "Stop, you're home and the feelings of the other person, not away from you."

Date Of Update: 13 February 2020, 21:01