US accused of Huawei, once again, from the theft of trade secrets

as The U.s. government and Huawei, and topvrouw Meng Wanzhou on Thursday re-indicted for fraud, and the theft of trade secrets from six American companies. The

US accused of Huawei, once again, from the theft of trade secrets

as The U.s. government and Huawei, and topvrouw Meng Wanzhou on Thursday re-indicted for fraud, and the theft of trade secrets from six American companies. The charge is in addition to the criminal case against Huawei and Mix it to the united states last year, and started in.

In January of 2019 at the latest, began in the united states is a criminal proceeding against Huawei, and a Mix up due to the fraud and the flouting of U.s. sanctions against Iran. In addition, Smartphone companies have conspired to make a trade secret out of the carrier, T-Mobile usa.

in The US, accused of Huawei, there are many trade secrets have been stolen by six of Us technology companies. It could be secrets in the field of internetrouters, antenna technology, and robotics. It would also Ascend in addition to the sanctions imposed on Iran are also sanctions on North Korea will have to be ignored.

the Smartphone is already for a longer period of time, the United States was accused of espionage, and fraud. According to the Americans, has in Huawei's close ties to the Chinese government, the Chinese security services to data of smartphone users could easily view it.

at present, there is no concrete proof that Huawei spioneert. The company denies this strongly, to spy, to do so.

the Huawei phone, and the lawyer of the Mix were not immediately available for comment.

See also: Should we be afraid of espionage equipment and clandestine devices from Huawei?

Date Of Update: 13 February 2020, 21:01