A vast network of counterfeit currency busted with the arrest of 44 people

Forty people were arrested in Italy, three in France and one in Belgium. A vast network of counterfeit currency linked to the organization mafia, Italian Camor

A vast network of counterfeit currency busted with the arrest of 44 people

Forty people were arrested in Italy, three in France and one in Belgium.

A vast network of counterfeit currency linked to the organization mafia, Italian Camorra, has been busted Wednesday with the arrest of 44 people in Italy, France and Belgium, have we learned Thursday with the French police.

Forty people were arrested in Italy, three in France and one in Belgium during this operation coordinated by the european agency for the police Europol resulted in the seizure of 8 million euros in cash and 8 million euros of assets, has added the same source, stating that the damage was estimated at € 10 million (face value of counterfeit notes).

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In France, a person was arrested in the Charente and prison as soon as Wednesday, the other two, a Franco-Italian and an Italian, have been in the paris region. They should be arrested also on Thursday, pending their extradition to Italy, explained the curator Éric Bertrand of the central Office for the suppression of counterfeiting currency (OCRFM).

The Italian Camorra, "a patent on this market"

the investigation by The Italians was begun in January 2018 and was based on a network of counterfeit currency linked to the Camorra of naples, he continued. It was fake banknotes of 50 euros, primarily.

When the operation triggered on Wednesday, the carabinieri have also put the hand on "8 million euros in cash, 8 million of goods," added Éric Bertrand.

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"For the past few years, 90% the false currency of quality comes from Italy. The Camorra has a sort of patent on this market", commented the commissioner.

Date Of Update: 18 July 2020, 17:58