Although dementia is more common older people, but they can also develop in younger years. Interpret the first character in the right way with our Test.

forget the name of The neighbors or a word is on the tongue, it does not want to come on your mind but simple – such gedächntnis gaps everyone knows. To a certain degree, they are also normal. Tricky it is, if the forgetfulness makes life difficult, then a disease could be behind it.

when is it dementia?

There are a number of warning signals that may indicate dementia. A so-called clock drawing test has proved to be the News Portal Focus, according to in studies as an effective method to detect the disease. the Test it does not replace medical diagnosis , but can already give a first indication whether a pair of would-be suffers of dementia.

The dementia test in three steps

1. First, draw a circle on a sheet of paper.

2. Give your members the paper and allow it to the missing numbers from one to twelve .

3. In the connection he has to draw the time “ ten to eleven , ” with two hands.

watch Test: category one through six set

Now, the categorization of one to six . The higher you consider your family, the more likely it is that a dementia is present:

category one : digits and hands are properly signed.

category two : The spacing between the digits are not regular, some of the numbers are outside of the circle, other numbers are on the head and/or your family member has been inserted, the auxiliary lines for better orientation.

category three : It is only a pointer, your pair has not registered the time with pointers, but written down and/or he has not signed in no time.

category four : the Jojobet distances between The numbers are very irregular, all the numbers are missing, it has been painted several circles, the numbers one to eleven are significantly larger than the number twelve, the Figures are given in the counterclockwise direction and/or are barely legible.

category five : in this category, four features described above are strongly pronounced.

category six : your pair has drawn no clock, the drawing has little Resemblance to a clock or he has posted off-topic words on the paper.

woman heals her Alzheimer’s disease – with this simple diet that anyone can imitate.

evaluation of the watch-testing

If you classify your members in the category of four-to-six, is the presumption that he suffers from dementia. By now, you should see a doctor, because the sooner the treatment of dementia uses, the better you can delay the progress, . Certain drugs act at the beginning of a dementia is better than in the advanced stage.

take this simple self-test and do you know if your brain is healthy.


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