E-bookverkoper Tom, the Cabinet stops working after a ruling by the European Court

Tom Government will stop the sale of second-hand e-books. This makes the company well-known on the website. "It's the story of Tom, the Cabinet will stop this

E-bookverkoper Tom, the Cabinet stops working after a ruling by the European Court

Tom Government will stop the sale of second-hand e-books. This makes the company well-known on the website. "It's the story of Tom, the Cabinet will stop this."

The company says that following the recent ruling of the European Court of justice has "little room is left for us to pursue". In december, the European Court of justice held that the sale of second-hand e-books a violation of copyright.

In an e-book that is, according to the Court, to see that it was a used one, because these books do not wear out. Because of this, the e-books are not being honest with each other and compete at a lower cost. For paper books, that is what it was, because the signs of wear and tear the value will drop.

Tom Kabinet, saying that the company has been unable to come to a sustainable way to think about second-hand e-books to sell. The company says that each and every option in order to it is considered before it was decided that in order to stop.

this is the website of the company will no longer be able to create an account, or to have second-hand e-books have to offer. "From the 15th of February, Tom's Cabinet will no longer be accessible." Until that time, users previously purchased e-books from the platform, the download.

See also: eu Court: Sale of used e-books would violate copyright law

Date Of Update: 04 February 2020, 08:00