A health hazard! Dealer calls back product that many have in the kitchen

A dealer calls back a whole Batch of his product. Is affected a food that you can find in almost every kitchen. Berlin - The merchant of lemon juice concentra

A health hazard! Dealer calls back product that many have in the kitchen

A dealer calls back a whole Batch of his product. Is affected a food that you can find in almost every kitchen.

Berlin - The merchant of lemon juice concentrate of the brand "Piacelli" has launched a whole Batch of his product back, because the juice in the yellow bottle is too high sulphite content.

recall of lemon juice "Piacelli Citrilemon" - it is a health hazard

is Affected by the recall, the product "Piacelli Citrilemon is" in the 200ml bottle with the date of minimum durability 14.07.2020. The product could contain more sulfite than the packaging stated. Was sold lemon juice concentrate nationwide.

+ The affected product ©Screenshot

Hypersensitive people might be allergic to it react to the increased sulfite value, it said. Consumers who have purchased the affected product, it could bring in the trade, the purchase price will be refunded.

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Date Of Update: 16 January 2019, 00:00