Maneuver, concluded the meeting: cedolare secca on the rent remains at 10%. Renzi: Avoided Salvini tax

ROME - It is concluded the summit of the majority convened at Palazzo Chigi. "The good news," said the deputy minister of the Economy Antonio Misiani - is

Maneuver, concluded the meeting: cedolare secca on the rent remains at 10%. Renzi: Avoided Salvini tax
ROME - It is concluded the summit of the majority convened at Palazzo Chigi. "The good news," said the deputy minister of the Economy Antonio Misiani - is that we have found the resources to leave at the 10-percent flat rate tax on the rent agreed, we have recovered resources, in order to lighten the tax burden".
"The resource - he explains - we have recovered with a careful work and review. I think that is great news for many Italian families. The work we are doing is going in the right direction."

To ensure the keeping of accounts, the government "freeze" of a billion of expenditure in 2020. This is what emerges from the draft Budget law. During the settlement, when it will be verified that the balances will be adhered to, the expense of frozen can be unlocked, in whole or in part, by resolution of the Council of ministers, on proposal of the minister of the Economy. "I am satisfied, there is a node in Vat, has been solved by all," is the comment of Roberto Gualtieri .

the draft of The budget law 2020 is composed of 93 articles . In the document, there is the cancellation of the Vat increase to 23 billion in the next year.

"The true goal - is the comment of the leader of Italy alive, Matteo Renzi - you get to the end of the legislature in 2023," with a cost of interest of the debt to 50 billion dollars. The cost "should be reduced", adds Renzi. Then, speaking of the "cedolare secca", he attacks the leader league: "we have avoided the Salvini tax".

"From the comparison on the maneuver positive news for the change the Country needs - tweet the secretary of the Nicola Zingaretti - from the part of the people, families and businesses who ask for more social justice because only in this way, italy grows".
"The social question is at the heart of our project of the government". Writes on Twitter the national secretary of Article One, and the Minister, Roberto Hope . From the tax on the fortune at the package of the Local government For the covers of the maneuver, at the increase of the "tax on fortune". According to sources in the government, to finance the stabilization at 10% of the "cedolare secca" on the rent of the social Executive, is reportedly thinking of looking for the rise from 12% to 15% of the levy on the winnings over 500 euro (which rose to 25% above the million), which appeared in the first draft of the tax decree, then replaced by the intervention in the Preu. The old standard was about 96 million tonnes, about half of the first year.

"We are working to identify the 100 million needed to confirm the lighter regime for Vat up to 65,000 euro, by eliminating all the constraints. The majority shared this solicitation, the 5 Star Movement," stressed the deputy minister of Economy and Finance, Laura Castles . "There will be no tax increase on electronic cigarettes. There will be the package of rules relating to Local Authorities, on which I have worked during these months. There will be measures relating to the collection, those relating to the incorporation of the Imu-Tasi in the local tax, and the 110 million of refreshment for the Imu," he added.

Here is some flash on the summit, according to sources of Palazzo Chigi: "The meeting at Palazzo Chigi to arrange the last details concerning the design of the budget law 2020 was characterized by "the full agreement of the policy". "Remain in operation the charge on the plastic, and the sugar tax, plastic tax". "Were allocated 140 million more, for three years, the project "industry 4.0". "For the Fund families, the budget provides an appropriation of 600mln". "It was confirmed the cut of 3 billion of the tax wedge for workers".

Date Of Update: 31 October 2019, 13:00