Butter in the case of Stiftung Warentest: cuts So your Butter

Without Butter is, for many people, nothing at all. So the average is rubbing German around six kilos in a year on bread. Stiftung Warentest has made the Check.

Butter in the case of Stiftung Warentest: cuts So your Butter

Without Butter is, for many people, nothing at all. So the average is rubbing German around six kilos in a year on bread. Stiftung Warentest has made the Check.

in The Morning, the Butter on the bread, in the afternoon, she lands in the cake and in the evening, the sauce is only with a stitch of yellow grease really tasty: it looks like that in many German households.

Stiftung Warentest: 30 types of Butter, in Check

Therefore, the test results of the Stiftung Warentest in March 2018 still interesting. to 30 types of Butter (about half of them in Bio-quality) a rating of the experts at that time with respect to the following characteristics:

Sensory judgment of Spreadability (hardness) Microbiological quality of pollutants packing Declaration

in This case, each Second well, of twelve products were awarded as "satisfactory" and a brand of butter fell through completely – as a result of high bacterial load.

Stiftung Warentest: The winners and losers of the Butter-Checks

Two varieties of Butter have Foundation test in March were particularly convinced. the Edeka " land a Good & Affordable" and "Our Butter" of Saxony milk on the first two places in the Rankings of the mild sour varieties. They received both the quality judgement "Good" with the grade of 1.8.

In the case of the sweet cream butter is the Rewe Bio "German brand butter, sweet cream butter, Bio" with 1.9 of the Note and the quality assessment of "Good" in the front. Place the "Sweet cream Butter, organic lands" of Dennree with the verdict of "Good" and the mark of 2.0.

In the category of sour cream butter, only two products were tested. The Alnatura "Sour cream Butter, Bio" received the judgment of "Good" and the grade of 2.5.

On the last place in the mild-acidified Butter is the "German brand butter" by Penny . She received the "Satisfactory" grade of 3.5. The sour cream butter, the testers were with the "Bio-barrel butter" of Glass dairy is not satisfied. You received a grade of 4.0, and the quality judgment is "Sufficient".

the Butter with The worst test results but the "the Original Irish Cream-Butter -" Kerry gold . This Butter has been demonstrated in the laboratory, a very high total number of bacteria, many of which are hygiene-germs. A judgment that the manufacturer is not satisfied wanted to give.

rapeseed oil from Aldi, Lidl and Edeka in the case of Stiftung Warentest: Here is the purchase

criticism of Stiftung Warentest: So it came to bad Kerry gold-result

on the day of the Test release, has expressed the company Kerry gold by opinion on the assessment of two of its products . Since the investigation by the Foundation have been test already in November 2017, has been checked", the documentary about the production of the corresponding day" once again. The result: Kerry gold could confirm "that the sweet cream butter with the examined date of minimum durability has left our house in perfect condition".

Therefore, the conclusion of the company concludes, that "by the Stiftung Warentest examined products, a interruption of the cooling chain of this increased microbiological burden". Trendbet Ergo: The fault lies with the testers. Kerry gold is no longer stressed at the same time, the products with the tested date of minimum durability "since November 2017 in the market".

it's okay to be excited, which results in a new Butter-Check of the Foundation were to come out of the test.

Also interesting: Stiftung Warentest - If you drink this milk brand, you should switch.

How to cut "your" Butter - an extract from the test results:

mild soured Butter


price (as at March 2018)

quality assessment of

Edeka gut & Günstig German brand butter mild

$ 1.29

" gut " (1,8)

Aldi Süd Milfina German brand butter mild acidulated

$ 1.29

good (1.9)

Rewe Yes leavened! German brand butter mild acidulated

$ 1.29

good (2.0)

Berchtesgaden LandBio-Alpine butter mild leavened, organic

2,69 Euro

well (2,3)

Kerry gold Original leavened Irish Butter mild

2,29 Euro

"good" (2.5)

Weihenstephan Butter, mildly soured Butter

2,69 Euro

"good" (2.5)

country love Butter, mildly soured Butter

2,79 Euro

satisfactory (2,6)

net is The Best from the land of German brand butter mild

$ 1.29

satisfactory (2,6) leavened

Lidl Milbona Golden Hills Irish Butter

2,15 Euro

satisfactory (3,5)

cream butter


price (as at March 2018)

quality assessment of

Rewe Bio German brand butter, sweet cream butter, organic

2,15 Euro

good (1.9)

Meggle Alpine butter, sweet cream butter

2,29 Euro

good (2.0)

Aldi Süd Bio

€ 1.99

satisfactory (2,6)

the country of purchase K-organic Butter, sweet-cream, Bio

€ 1.99

satisfactory (3,0)

Netto Marken-Discount, discontinued the sale of sweet cream butter, organic

€ 1.99

satisfactory (3,1)

Lidl Milbona Bio-organic sweet-cream Butter, organic

€ 1.99

satisfactory (3,2)

Kerry gold Original Irish Sweet cream Butter

2,69 Euro

inadequate (5.0)

cream butter


price (as at March 2018)

quality assessment of

Alnatura Sour cream, Butter, organic

2,59 Euro

"good" (2.5)

Glass dairy Bio-barrel of butter, sour cream, butter, organic

2,69 Euro

sufficient (4.0)

The complete test results of the Stiftung Warentest, you will find here.

also read: Why is Butter so expensive?

Butter buy: Brilliant tip for bargain hunters

2016 butter made by prices a veritable price explosion . What few people know is price fluctuations in is to intercept, you can buy at low prices Butter on stock and you freeze. Freezer burn, you can avoid that by freezing the Butter in the original packaging in a freezer bag. You want to use, you have to thaw them before gently in the fridge.


where are actually well-known brand name?

Date Of Update: 11 December 2018, 14:01