A powerful antibiotic was discovered by an artificial intelligence

researchers from MIT have succeeded in using artificial intelligence as a new kind of antibiotic has to be found. This antibiotic was found in the initial tests

A powerful antibiotic was discovered by an artificial intelligence

researchers from MIT have succeeded in using artificial intelligence as a new kind of antibiotic has to be found. This antibiotic was found in the initial tests, the researchers have to be very strong, and is even effective against drug-resistant bacteria.

To make this discovery, to be able to do it, the computer is the first step in learning how some of the drugs effective against the diseases. The artificial intelligence was awarded in the 2500 molecules in order to analyze it, and 1700 species, the working of drugs.

With this know-how could be the computer to learn the new potential drugs to be found, and it had a large library of molecules is scanned. The artificial intelligence is discovered as a molecule that is a potential antibiotic that can be used.

The pier is used by scientists Halicin is called, and it has been tested in the lab and on over a dozen bacterial species. The bacteria were not nearly as resistant to Halicin, which is good news for the fight against certain drug-resistant bacteria.

Halicin has already been tested on mice, the highly drug-resistant hospital bug Acinetobacter baumannii. The molecule was found to be very effective. Halicin has not yet been tested as a drug for human use. It is, therefore, still have to wait to see if it can be used as a medicine.

Date Of Update: 23 February 2020, 16:00