An owner of an Apple Watch connected watch was lucky that his device noticed a very serious problem.

The Apple Watch is one of the best-selling watches in the world, and we’re not just talking about smartwatches. This is a widely used device among users of Apple products since the Apple Watch requires a connection with an iPhone to be initialized.

The Apple watch is full of very practical little features: sports tracking, control of your music, display of your notifications, route plans… It’s a real little Swiss army knife leaning against your wrist and which allows you to free yourself a little from using your smartphone.

But did you know that the Apple Watch can also save lives? This is the incredible story that happened to Sheriff Luke Heyman in the city of Sarasota, Florida a few months ago. While the latter led a rather ordinary life, his watch reported three times in a row that his heart rate was too high. Surprised by such results, Heyman decided to make two hospital visits to verify that it was not an error: “looking at my heartbeat, my rate was 160. I thought that It was a bug in the watch. I then received the same alert twice in a single weekend so I decided to go for a consultation.”

However, the first hospital analyzes did not reveal any abnormality in Heyman. The sheriff, however, decides to insist by receiving a new alert with 160 beats per minute (while an average is more around 70-80 beats per minute). Doctors then decide to perform a larger series of tests to discover several blood clots present in the sheriff’s lungs. Doctors say Luke Heyman’s Apple Watch may have saved his life. The presence of these clots could have been extremely serious if they had not been detected in time.