Facebook users who login to the app will be notified

Facebook users who use their account to log in to a website or an app from a different company, and get it out there now, a report from the announced Facebook i

Facebook users who login to the app will be notified

Facebook users who use their account to log in to a website or an app from a different company, and get it out there now, a report from the announced Facebook in a blog. Users who are on a different site or app, log in with their Facebook profile, an email will be sent and a notification in the Facebook app.

In this way, people need to be warned that they are some of the personal data to be shared with other apps when they log in with their Facebook account. Companies and organizations can, for example, name, e-mail address, and date of birth to collect.

if you are getting the message, you can customize settings for the use of the data to be reduced. Facebook says this is to remind you to ensure that the users have more control over their information," to get it.

Date Of Update: 15 January 2020, 13:01