Examination: There will be not one, but two kinds of red pandas

There is not one, but two kinds of red pandas, it is apparent from the scientific research that has been published in Sciencemag. According to the researchers,

Examination: There will be not one, but two kinds of red pandas

There is not one, but two kinds of red pandas, it is apparent from the scientific research that has been published in Sciencemag. According to the researchers, this discovery will contribute to a better breeding program for the endangered species of animals.

For the study, it is in the DNA of 64 levels of red pandas has been tested. It was found that the variation in China occurs, as is very, very different from the red panda's in the Himalayaregio, that's a different kind of respect.

Not only in DNA but also in appearance, the differences to be seen. The red panda is in the Himalayaregio has more white on his face, and the red coat is less bright in colour. Also, the skull of the animal form.

So there are two different kinds of shows to go to, it can help to improve a breeding program. The two species are to each other, to the crosses, the unique genetic characteristics of the animals are in a better position.

According to the experts, life time more than 10,000 red pandas in the wild. Chinese red pandas are in addition to China, is to be found in the northern part of Myanmar. The red pandas from the Himalayas to the sources, are to be found in Nepal, India, Bhutan and South Tibet, China.

a Red panda's are endangered due to deforestation.

Date Of Update: 27 February 2020, 15:00