Anyone who takes only two cups of this drink, endangered his Baby

Who is pregnant, should enjoy a couple of food only in moderation. Also for drinks the following applies: Less is often more. Especially if it is these, to be h

Anyone who takes only two cups of this drink, endangered his Baby

Who is pregnant, should enjoy a couple of food only in moderation. Also for drinks the following applies: Less is often more. Especially if it is these, to be healthy, and Trunk.

alcohol should, of course, be off-limits during pregnancy. However, what many do not know Pregnant: you should also make sure that your daily dose of caffeine is too high. In coffee much especially of the stimulating substance, but other drinks are popular because of their wax-solubilizing effect and to recommend for Pregnant women only in moderation.

caffeine inhibits development of the newborn

The English News Portal The Mirror reported that a new study by the University College in Dublin, which dealt with the question of how caffeine affects unborn babies. The result: Even women, took the rare caffeine-containing Drinks, had a higher risk for premature birth and lower weight newborns, .

The reason for this is the study Director will see that caffeine is called the blood flow to the placenta - placenta - limiting and thus the growth of the baby slows down. For their study, the study Director, Dr. Ling-Wei Chen and his Team had investigated 941 Irish mothers and babies who had been drinking during pregnancy, a lot of tea. the tea was at 48 percent of the study participants, the main source of caffeine - followed by coffee, of the 38 percent of women drank.

also read : Two years is pregnant? What grows in the belly of this woman, weighs 26 pounds.

How much caffeine is allowed to drink Pregnant the day?

The babies of women who consumed the most caffeine had an approximately 170 grams of lower body weight than those newborns whose mothers took the least caffeine.

tea has less caffeine than a Cup of coffee, but the exact amount depends on the brewing time, the water temperature and the type of tea. So a Cup of black tea contains up to 110 milligrams of caffeine. The world health organization recommends that women with a maximum daily dose of 300 milligrams of caffeine of the day . The English government authority, the NHS (National Health Service) recommends a maximum of 200 milligrams.

The conclusion of the recently published study: Pregnant caffeine and teeinhaltige drinks (Caffeine is the reduce in the leaves of the tea plant caffeine) so far as it goes - or best to leave .

The study

read More : Newborn Baby brings incredible weight on the scale.


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Date Of Update: 09 January 2019, 00:02