A career as an influencer? It's not always easy

how to make Money with a photo of yourself in clothing and also for your work with the world's most exotic travel. Sounds great, right? Thus it is not surprisi

A career as an influencer? It's not always easy

how to make Money with a photo of yourself in clothing and also for your work with the world's most exotic travel. Sounds great, right? Thus it is not surprising that young people are flocking influencer to want to be. However, the influencersbestaan is not always easy.

the Eemy Rutter (21) is at least five hours per day, to lose to keep up with her Instagram account. They will take pictures, and stories, and it takes a long time to get the messages to her followers to reply. "It's important to have a personal relationship with your followers is to create," she says. "That's why I take their issues very, very seriously."

Rutter's for the past four years, actively engaged in the account and earns an average of $ 100 per month. "Most of the time I get to the clothing, or the products," she says. Still, she hopes one day, her activities as an influencer, to be able to live. It is not easy, do not acknowledge them. "The competition is fierce. There are a lot of girls with similar accounts as me. This makes it difficult to break through."

See also: What the influencet of an influencer anyway? Influencers are the new footballers and pop-stars

As the young people used to flock a footballer or a pop star could dream of, a large number of a career as an influencer. Data on the aspirations of young Dutch people in this area are not from the Us.

“Social media is addictive.”
They Geraerts, a psychologist,
in a study of marktresearchbedrijf the Morning Consult shows that 86 percent of Americans between 13 and 38 years, it is down to the influencer-to-be. Of the two thousand respondents, considers that 12 per cent of itself, even if the influencer.

with The popularity of the profession, according to a psychologist, They Geraerts, who specializes in self-esteem, and in the treatment of eating disorders, to explain them away. "We human beings have a manifestatiedrang," she says. "We want to be seen to be a recognition and appreciation of others. As influencers, it will be recognition of the time."

But that is exactly the problem. "Social media can be addictive," says Geraerts. "As an influencer, you run the risk that you'll become dependent on for the likes you get from your followers."

See also For the sustainability of influencer is to make money, just a byline and The thrill of that one, like

and That was it, too, Debra, van der Heide, (25), when they were three years ago, is active on her Instagram account and decided to deposit and tips, gave it up for a healthy and fit lifestyle. At it's peak, they had fifteen thousand followers. If they have a lot of this was, when she got there, just a little kick out of it. "It felt like a kind of approval," she says. If this is not received, it was also very, very insecure. "And then I tried to put in all sorts of ways to get more likes to come," she said. "I would like to buy it."

“and Then I tried to put in all sorts of ways to get more likes to come. I would like to buy it.”
Debra van der Heide, a former influencer

If the image is in that you as the influencer shows up on social media, a lot of the reality is going to lie down, you are able to, according to Geraerts psychological burden of it. "In fact, you have to hold yourself to be the fool," says the psychologist. For example, because you have in your account to show you how to enjoy life, but in the meantime, a lot of stress and that you need to post.

You're probably almost in the

you can Also Rutter experiences regular stress on their account. In order to make sure that they always have the photos to hand, she has been working for two weeks in advance. However, it happens sometimes due to the supply of time, for example because they are ill, is had been.

"I can just be in a panic to shoot it," she says. A day of nothing to post for Rutter, in fact, no option. "I feel I am obliged to my followers each and every day to keep them."

“On my account and saw that you have a happy and fit girl, but in the mean time, I am not at all happy.”
Debra van der Heide, a former influencer

Also, according to Geraerts, so that you are going to believe in that perfect image that you, yourself, have created. "Well, if it does not match up with how you're feeling, it can be very confusing."

That was exactly the reason van der Heide decided to stop influencen. "On my account and saw that you have a happy and fit girl, but in the mean time, I am not at all happy," she said. "In my head and I was out the whole day, and my account is working. It became an obsession." Regretting her decision to quit, she has never had before. "I just felt so free."

Date Of Update: 12 January 2020, 13:01