Mastella and the temptation of Italia Living: I have Not seen the Third but if the head has prejudice against me...

"I have not seen Renzi and I have not joined to Italy Alive, but I'm not firm. If the centre-right has a prejudice against me and not even respond to my reque

Mastella and the temptation of Italia Living: I have Not seen the Third but if the head has prejudice against me...
"I have not seen Renzi and I have not joined to Italy Alive, but I'm not firm. If the centre-right has a prejudice against me and not even respond to my request to primary for the guide of the Region Campania, I'll look around. The one that moves to the center, intrigues me".

Clemente Mastella, mayor of Benevento, 72-year-old, despite his forty years of political activity, from Dc to Forza Italia, through the governments of Prodi and Berlusconi - is on the crest of the wave, and transformations.

Mastella, but it is true that adhere to Italy's Living Renzi?
"I'm Not considering at all the possibility of this. But I can say that I look around. For now, I'm with the centre-right, but..."

"I have made the request to the centre-right to the primary for the nomination to the guide of the Region Campania. It is a request which I have not had a response and I e-mail when there had not been the jolt the political. If accepted I will then consider whether to run or not. I asked a democratic method to decide whether or not to participate. If the method is rejected, I acknowledge that".

And if it is rejected the request?
"I Am committed to be the mayor of Benevento. However, all the friends I want to say that I will not be stopped. I repeat: now I'm in the centre-right. If you discovered that there is a prejudice against me, things would change. I could not accept it."

As is this item that you would be to go with Italy to live?
"I Am convinced that it was put in around right by those who want to boycott the primary elections of the centre-right of campania and I feel unwelcome as a candidate. An insinuation".

He met with Renzi?
"No, I have not met. But with him I have a great relationship, we have common roots, and good human relations. I also have to say that everything that moves in the center intrigues me".

His wife, Sandra Lonardo, is senator of Forza Italy. Could be she attempted to join Iv?
"At the moment there is this element, there is no reason for a choice of this kind. My opinion on the operation of Renzi is that he has created a "parliamentary party". Now you must come down in reality, in the suburbs, in the urban grid and in the life of every day. Otherwise, it is evident that for Salvini will always be in the absolute advantage because it penetrates right into these realities."

And the fact that Renzi has decided the spin-off from the Pd, what do you think?
"I Think he was in exile in the Pd, and even those who like the contrast should thank him because he has avoided going to vote: all of this hypocrisy, in its case, I think it is a bit ramshackle. Is the usual moral immoral to many."

She gives you the time to decide?
"For now, there is not even the urgency of the choice, thanks to Renzi, which has prevented the urns. Eliminated from the horizon the specter of the elections, and then you can reason with serenity and to take a decision without any hassle".

Then she is placed with either the centre-right or centre-left?
"I always Work to an area that is moderate, that is the protagonist and not an ancillary statistic. In a coalition this is the value that makes the difference. An area of strong centre makes a coalition more competitive. If I did win the center-left Prodi and the centre-right silvio Berlusconi, and with a 2% (in absolute value doubles), something he will want to say".

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Date Of Update: 25 September 2019, 18:00